Tag: weredragon

Tev may keep his sense of self, but that also means keeping the knowledge of exactly what he’s capable of, and the little voice in the back of his head that worries over little control he really has over what what’s happening to him.

Though I’m always calling him a weredragon, instances like this are actually quite rare. Tevruden tends to go fully dragon when he transforms.

(🎨: @goethial)

Though I’m always calling him a weredragon, instances like this are actually quite rare. Tevruden tends to go fully dragon when he transforms.

(🎨: @goethial)

He’s debating how much more sleep he can get before he becomes too dragon to fit in the bed.

I like to call this “awkward teenage lizard” stage. Almost all the way to dragon, but the proportions are weird.