Tag: Anonymous

Again, this is very, very, VERY well established lore and writing. But telling them to go back and completely, 100% rewrite the Blood Elf lore just so that they can be EoC (Elves of Color, geddit?) is, again, insulting as shit to the writers. This shit has been established for over 20 years, it’d be like telling JK Rowling to go back and make Harry/Ron/Hermione PoC just for the sake of inclusion.

Yeah it’d also be shitty if they reconned the lore so that Sargeras corrupted the Eredar instead of the other way— 


What’s that?

You mean they actually say Sargeras corrupted the Eredar instead of the other way around?

And that Onyxia wasn’t defeated by a team of 40 adventures but by King Varian Wrynn?

They’ve already retconned major parts of the lore!?

When the fuck did that happen!?

Blood Elves can’t be of color, though. They came from Highelves, and their purple color had faded to a peach pale color after the creation of the Sunwell. To tell them to completely rewrite this lore, just for inclusion, is an insult to the lore writers, and this is will established lore and has been for years and years and years and years. I’m all for inclusion, but they’d have to rewrite Blood Elf lore going all the way back to the Highelves, again, an insult to the lore writers.

Yes this was the same lore department that came up with:

The birth of Garona was orchestrated by Gul’dan, who “bred” one of his orcish warriors to a draenei female. The result was a child that, as it would be discovered later, looked surprisingly human. Gul’dan had her magically aged and tortured,[5] later also placing controls on her mind to ensure obedience.

And also:

Ten thousand years later during the Second WarNekros Skullcrusher, an orc of the Dragonmaw clan, was given the Dragon Soul by his Warchief Zuluhed. Using the awesome power of this ancient artifact, Nekros and the Dragonmaw Orcs entered to the Red dragonflight’s lair and captured Alexstrasza and her consorts, including her eldest consort Tyranastrasz. The offspring of these dragons were then used by the orcs as powerful war mounts. Alexstrasza had no choice but to succumb to this terrible slavery, lest her unborn clutches be slain at the hand of her cruel captor. 

Mmmm yes, look at all that high quality lore right there. Such a fine vintage.

Wouldn’t want to spoil that.
