We don’t, especially in the US, want to look at poetry as something every student is capable of, because that would be dangerous to those who control the school systems. All students, regardless of their backgrounds, would realise that they are capable of speaking very well; that there are not certain individuals who control what constitutes good language. They would realise that language is not just this agreed upon set of constructed ideas, that it’s not an MLA citation or a five-paragraph essay, that everyone can create new and beautiful language. So it is very frustrating to me when people say, ‘I don’t like poetry,’ or, ‘I don’t understand it,’ because all of that seems the fault of a system that doesn’t want to give poetry its power, and that doesn’t want to give people their power either.
The work of art you see here has a great story behind it. It’s kind of a long story but worth it I promise. My wife and I met just short of 8 years ago in WoW as we co tanked Karazhan (both as Feral Druids). After talking we found we lived close to one another and just started hanging out. This turned into catching movies together,which turned into 2 nerds in love, which turned into engagement and ended with 2 nerds going, “Wouldn’t it be cool if we got married on Feb 29th 2012?”.
Well we did that, and here we are almost 4 years later coming up on our “first” big anniversary. Around early October when the Blizzcon hype train was really getting going, I had gotten 2 custom Blizzcon badges done by Faebelina (http://faebelina.tumblr.com/ @Faebelina), and by Cadistra (http://cowscratch.tumblr.com/tagged/cadi%20art @cadistra). Skye got her only badge from Faebelina (her favorite wow artist). I had known Cadi from previous Blizzcons and Sylver and I had become friends with her. We both had never had a chance to meet Faebelina before. Because my Faebelina badge was a last minute prize I had to pick it up from her at the con. Both her and her husband were awesome folks and we had a great time hanging out with them for a bit.
So jump to after the con I started thinking “what if I got one of those awesome wow artists to make a painting of our wedding using our wow characters as a big Anniversary present”. Knowing Fae was Sylvers favorite I started up a conversation with her right after Thanksgiving and we started planning for her to make this really awesome painting of our wedding. What I wanted was really complicated as things go, so it was going to be a long project. The finished product arrived last Friday (much to my great excitement). <picture> I sent my project to Costco to be printed and my sister was picking it up for me on Thursday. Wednesday night I get home about 20 minutes early and there is a big flat Costco box in the living room. Skye tells me “Oh darn you got here before I could hide it. Well you might as well have your gift now.” I pull out a framed picture. <Cadi work>. I’m just stunned. I also recognize Cadi’s work. I don’t have words, so I go for my phone and show her the final piece I commissioned. There was much laughter. So ya unbeknown to each other we both had the exact same idea for a present and managed to do it behind each others backs for over 3 months. Who knew we were meant to be together.
But wait there is more. So about a week and a half ago when Fae had finished her work she had posted it in the artists community. Not a few hours later Cadi did the same thing. After everyone in the community had figured out what the two of us had done there was many giggles (or so I am told). Also a 3rd artist friend of ours recognized our avatars and exclaimed “I know those cows!”. So over the course of the next week we are the “WoW romcom of the new century”. What was even more killer was both Sylver and I “showed off” the work to the other artists “Look what Fae made for me”, “Look what Cadi made for me”. We were the subject of much giggling.
We got both Fae and Cadi on Skype to talk about the crazy experience (where we found out all of the above). It is by far one of the craziest, cutest, sweetest things that has ever happened to me. With Love is in the Air going on I figured people might get a kick out of the story. I hope you enjoyed it!
Well, I know everyone here is following me for Marvel-goodness, but I just took an ill-advised look at my bank account, and I’m stupidly broke (the consultancy I’m meant to be working for have screwed me over royally by giving me zero work). I’m currently setting up a photo coloration and restoration business though. But I still haven’t finished the website and so I currently have zero customers…
Here are some coloration examples! The photos are realistically and artistically colored. No flat colors, the shadows and highlights are all separately colored.
Don’t know what to get your parents or grandparents for Christmas? How about having an old black and white photo from the family photo album digitally restored and colored? Prices start from $30 (e.g. for photos similar to the top one)!
Email me at jim.bailey05@gmail.com if you’re interested! (And please signal boost.)
I wanted to add that I can also do restorations for quite badly damaged photos, e.g.:
My finances are pretty bad, so I would really appreciate any reblogs!
Mother’s day is coming up! (At least in the UK)
My mum’s getting that restored image of my grandfather at Fistral beach ;).