Tag: Warcraft

sketchmourne: but for reals he can’t lol


but for reals he can’t lol

yshaarj: i love death knightsss


i love death knightsss





sketchmourne: CHILDREN’S WEEK! Day 06 – School of Hard Knocks “Baby on Board” doesn’t mean anything in Warsong Gulch, apparently.  


CHILDREN’S WEEK! Day 06 – School of Hard Knocks

“Baby on Board” doesn’t mean anything in Warsong Gulch, apparently.  

meaganfanart: I asked my husband what he wanted me to draw, and he said his belf paladin. His paladin and my priest are hanging around the Echo Isles after the siege is over. Oh Ewain, you are too lily white to handle the Sen’jin sun.


I asked my husband what he wanted me to draw, and he said his belf paladin. His paladin and my priest are hanging around the Echo Isles after the siege is over. Oh Ewain, you are too lily white to handle the Sen’jin sun.

“Okay but there isn’t much of a storyline to WoW.”



Ah hell, pardon me, my bookshelf sneezed. It’s alleRGIC TO B U L L S H I T.


Yeah that was probably a reaction to Thrall’s magic smelling like apple blossoms:

“The wind shifted, caressing her face and blowing the hood off despite the fact that she had tied it securely beneath her chin. Her cloak billowed back from her slender frame, and suddenly Jaina smiled. The wind was warm and smelled of apple blossoms, and before she quite realized what happened, it had lifted her out of the dinghy like a large, gentle hand. She did not struggle; she knew she was perfectly safe. Cradling her, the wind deposited her on the shore with the same care it had displayed when picking her up. Not a drop of muddy water had touched so much as the toe of her boot.

el-aatmik: Commission for afterwits of her OC Kirian Dawningsun and varae-ver-you-are’s Varaelian Balerim-Nilhandril. I was given a lot of freedom with this so when I heard about this RP moment, it was just too cute to pass up!


Commission for afterwits of her OC Kirian Dawningsun and varae-ver-you-are’s Varaelian Balerim-Nilhandril. I was given a lot of freedom with this so when I heard about this RP moment, it was just too cute to pass up!