escape from Tanaan Jungle
betamourne: escape from Tanaan Jungle
meisterc: o warchief my warchief
Thrall is as bad of a Shaman as Tirion Fordring is a Paladin.
kimgatt: O<-<
Here’s something we will never see.
Here’s something we will never see.
Tev gives zero fucks about time paradoxes.
Tev gives zero fucks about time paradoxes.
So I have found out if Thrall had to pay for the faction chance since he is siding with the Horde again in MoP, and why he doesn’t have a mount.
So I have found out if Thrall had to pay for the faction chance since he is siding with the Horde again in MoP, and why he doesn’t have a mount.
I was almost going to put Thrall’s lines into lower-case comic sans like I typically do with orcs, but I thought better.
I was almost going to put Thrall’s lines into lower-case comic sans like I typically do with orcs, but I thought better.