



Apparently people who don’t have executive dysfunction think that actually working on something is the hardest part of doing something. And that’s why they get mad that you call the rest of the project “easy” after you’ve finally worked through doing the plan and know what to do when you’re working.

So when you’re through with the epiphany of how to make it physically possible to make the thing you’re making, and you’re sharing the plan with excitement, because the hard part is over, and now you only have to get your hands moving and do it, they get mad at you like

“it’s not that easy! It’s a lot of hard work! >:C”

they mean it, because

to them, working is the hardest part.

They don’t have to fight their brains to get started. They don’t have to fight their way through making the choices, making the plan, making yourself make the thing. People who don’t suffer from executive dysfunction think that the hardest part is actually doing the thing.

when you have executive dysfunction, it’s like… you’ve just clawed your way up a long steep embankment of loose gravel, and you flop exhausted into the construction site, and you’re like “oh thank fuck, time to lay some bricks, i absolutely could do this all day” and the guy who drove to the site goes “what’s wrong with you man bricklaying is hard graft!”

not as hard as crawling up the gravel mountain bro

there’s also good hard and bad hard. doing the thing might be hard, but at least you’re doing it; it’s good hard. just getting to the thing in the first place is hard and it’s fucking miserable. executive dysfunction puts so many bad hard things in your way before you can get to even the good hard things.

sometimes i describe it as my transmission is broken, every thing else works fine but no matter how hard I pump the gas pedal, I ain’t getting anywhere because I can’t