Month: July 2023




the upside of ADHD is that it makes you a fucking genius

the downside is that you don’t get to decide when and for how long you’re a genius.

Or what you are going to be a genius about.

You have a big work project?

Nah. You’re now a genius at making boardgames. For 7 hours.

Yeah, all of this.

I’ve gained something of a reputation at work for being Montgomery Scott because I’ve been able to make shit work when not even the vendor has figured it out yet, or faster than logging a call with the vendor takes. However, the flip side to that is now everyone expects me to pull a miracle solution out of my ass to whatever their problem is on demand. and half the time, they don’t even tell me what the actual problem is, or what they’ve done before dumping it on my doorstep like the proverbial flaming bag of shit.

The few times I’ve stated that I’m good at something, Fate will make me eat those word on a plastic tray, and without salt or ketchup.



Today on the Sanae & Sumi Show: moving on

We go to the Super Mario Bros X forums like men

Usenet is still around…. and actually has more volume then when I started the server in 2020.



even though she died two years before i was born, there were always tabloids in the grocery store about JonBenét Ramsey’s death and “new breaks in the case”. i would always stare at them and wonder who the pretty blonde girl was that died. surprisingly i didn’t know anything about 9/11 until grade school.


I made lil slutty a sona!
They’re a shapeshifting chimera, cause I find it hart to settle on a creature for this kind of stuff. Like one or two, never enogh, I am a cat, I am a slug, I am a gecko, I am a mantis, I am a being with lacking facial features…