Month: April 2023


The endless patience of a sidekick 




[ ffxiv ] funny danny


Saying it again for the people in the back


Also since it seems some TERF idgits think only Trans people will support other trans people

  • I am NOT Trans
  • I am Christian (Methodist to be exact)
  • Trans women are not inherently better at sports than cis women. I can kick my trans-woman’s friends butt at most sports. I can also kick most of my male friend’s butts. Stop being misogynistic along with your transphobia.
  • Not even all Cis-Woman can give birth. Not all Cis-woman are born with ovaries. This is like basic biology 101. This was a House MD episode. Come on.
  • I am a mother.
  • I have given birth twice. I don’t need a lecture on how birth works. I promise I know more than you. Furthermore, I REALLY don’t need patriarchal nonsense, reducing my value as a woman to my fetility dressed up as “sacred womb” “life giver” bullshit. Again, stop using misogyn to justify your transphobia.
  • Pedophilia is the desire to force sex onto pre-pubescent children. Being Transgender means you identify as something other than the gender you were assigned at birth. I am not sure how people confuse these things, but I assume it’s a malicious attempt to dehumanize a group of people by tying them to a monstrous act that is unrelated to their gender identification.
  • And just a fun last fact “Transvestites and Transexuals” (as they were called then) were amoung the first to be targeted by the Nazis and rounded up and sent to Death Camps. I tend to have a firm “Nazi’s are bad role models” policy, and make it a goal in life NOT to share opinions on minorities with Nazis 😀

@crabz0ne oh god this would have been so useful in the Home Depot parking lot yesterday where i was trying to check up on work IMs (because i was “at work”) and joined some wifi AP from the MIDDLE OF THE LOT


At no point did she wonder: “Shouldn’t they just hire someone to help, since this is clearly too much workload for one person?”

I’m gonna use my outside voice here and say any sort of job where you need to take care of things outside of work hours and it’s anything more than “wow that was weird” is actually fucked up.

all i can really say for why is: “trust me, bro” but it sucked (for me) andi found out a lot of the things i did in my first job I don’t gotta do now that its less fucked up











“And remember: the sky is the limit! You can be anything you want to be!”

“Thank you. I want to be a secretary.”

That stopped them short. “What?”

“A secretary,” she repeated.

“But…” they trailed off, dumbfounded. “Why? You could be a CEO, a scientist, a law–”

“I don’t want to be a CEO,” she said. “I want to be a secretary.”

They scoffed. “You want to answer phones all day?”

She smiled. “Yes.”

“Schedule appointments?”

“I like organizing.”

“Be a second banana?”

An affirmative nod. “I’m skilled at helping.”

“I just don’t understand,” they said. “HOW could you be okay with all of this?!”

“I enjoy the work.”


“I know.”

“Then WHY?!”

She shrugged.

“Because I want to be a secretary.”

Honestly though, this is very similar to my mom’s experience. She’s always been super bright, but has realized as she’s gotten older that intellectual pursuits just aren’t her jam. She dropped out of her PhD program to have kids, and although she has her master’s and was a pretty good school psychologist, she hated having to make huge decisions. She’s a church secretary now and loves it, and she’s GOOD at it; she’s letting her school psych certification permanently expire this year with zero regrets. If you can be anything you want, that includes the things we don’t tend to value as highly as a society. Not everybody is built for or wants the “respectable” careers.

My grandma did this to me, saying that i didn’t want to get stuck on the outside, making coffee and filing papers. The thing is, that’s exactly what I’ve always enjoyed the most, making and organizing things. That would be enough for me.

Nobody seems to realize that if you tell people they can be anything they want to be they will. And not everyone WANTS to be doctors or lawyers or CEOs or scientists. Sometimes, they just want to be a secretary.

it took me a LOT of therapy before i was able to shrug off the effects of the Gifted Child Upbringing enough to realize that what i really wanted to be was a house husband and Local Queerdad who writes novels sometimes. god, i’m so much happier now.

ain’t nothing wrong with an ordinary life. don’t let anybody tell you you have to be the top dog to be worth anything.

As a secretary for a therapy center—outside of like shitty people in and out of the office, the jobs lit af and you get to look as cute or as Un-cute as you want everyday and it’s totes fine ALSO FREE STATIONARY!!?!?!

Truly the dream.

I agree with all of this and I also feel like the extreme competition for most “respectable” jobs is manufactured by having such a two-tier economy that people are desperate for the financial freedom only a few jobs truly allow.

If someone actually enjoys retail (my mother) and you need retail people why does a retail worker have to be punished with starvation wages?

Also when a minimum wage job goes up to a living wage and someone I work with goes “haha that’s how much I make now I should go work for Dominos” I always just say if that’s what you want to do then you should! You must be so excited that you can! But they just shake their head or admit they’d hate that job. Because when they say that they don’t mean “I should work there and would if I could afford to!” They mean “that job and those people are below me and shouldn’t make my wage.”

In conclusion the entire idea of respectable jobs is bullshit. Do exactly what you want and fight to get what you deserve from it and don’t let anyone tell you you should do anything else.

Normalize doing common, necessary things well. Normalize respecting people who do good work. Appreciate indoor plumbing and functioning electricity and a really good pizza. Appreciate phlebotomists who are good at getting a good sample on the first try.

Secretaries and janitors are THE most important people in any kind of organization and do harder and more vital work than your average CEO ever will.