catboys your inazuma
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Time to face the bad guys – after some last minute back and forth planning. Ryybyn’s understandably got the jitters over facing their abuser 😬
Updates Mondays and Thursdays!
擬獣化 TF 🌶
I want to make a search engine that penalizes any web page with google adsense on it
Don’t forget to tip your bartender at Pleasure Island Brewing 🍺🐴
Donkey TF comm for DariusWhitefur
Noodle time.
I’m only sorta doing Monster March just because I’ve got the unfair advantage Tev’s been a third of the things on the list, but I couldn’t resist the 3rd’s “Dragon”
Wing size
Head size
Horn length
Body girth
Tail length
Spike count
Teeth size
Arm/Leg length
Neck length
Hoard size
Dragon results will be drawn by @reallypheelingit once the poll finishes