working at a grocery store this is something i was so worried would happen, i cant stop someone from trying to feed themselves.
but it literally hasn’t happened. people steal fried chicken and pack steaks into a duffel bag. or they have me write on cakes for their coworkers birthday and run out the door with it. they eat chicken and dump the bones on a shelf they pay for the rest of their “groceries”.
i’ve never once seen anyone steal bread, or fruit, or vegetables, or cold chicken
We have free purified water but no they steal soda
so you’re saying it people are trying to feed themselves
How dare poor people eat things they enjoy rather than bland staples, the only thing they deserve
A little disappointed that this didn’t become a site-wide week-long discourse topic/meme fodder because it’s a discussion we’re way overdue to have
Like, let’s set aside the practical concerns, like how “unhealthy” food has more calories while taking up less bag space, people can’t survive on nothing but bread and water, many poor communities are food deserts where fresh food isn’t even available to steal, and many people (including the explicitly unhoused man in the meme) don’t have a way to prepare frozen chicken. Let’s set all that aside, because poor people aren’t required to justify every single action to you specifically
Instead let’s talk about the sheer undisguised hatred of the poor on display here. “The fried food at the grocery store is for me, because I’m a good special boy with money, if the filthy poors want to steal they can steal the dried gruel powder because that’s all they’re good enough for. Or they can have meat, I suppose, but only if it’s frozen meat that they’ll have to go heat up themselves to prove to me that they’ve earned it. And make sure they grab some raw vegetables that they’ll have to chop and cook themselves too, that’ll be a good use of their bountiful time and energy. If they wanted not to be miserable, they should have tried not being poor, like me!”
There is literally no justification for this shit. If you believe that stealing bread from a chain grocery store is a justified act that hurts no one, why the fuck would you feel different about steak? Why are you even thinking about this shit? Why are you sitting around fuming at the thought of poor people having anything that makes life worth living? What does it fucking matter to you?
How can you be heartless enough to look at a society where people have to steal in order to feed themselves and their families, and your biggest concern is about policing what they steal?
I guess this is just an AU of Stranger Things were Steve gets turned into a naga for some dumb, bizarre reason. Maybe because of the Russia stuff in season 3? Anyway Steve has to hide out in Hopper’s cabin with El. Spending most of his day laying in the sun, watching TV, and playing board games with El. They also start collecting comic books, Steve liking Iron Man and Batman, while El likes Superman and the X-men.
-The other kids come over every weekend and sleep over. Getting Steve, Max, and El, into a new D&D campaign. Steve only agrees because he’s bored out of his skull but also because Dustin gave him the biggest puppy eyes dog he had ever seen, which he won’t EVER tell the kid because that little shit already has him wrapped around his finger enough, thank you very much.
It’s funny cause Steve can’t roleplay for shit and the kids love getting him riled up whenever he has to roll the dice, but Steve finds that he’s actually enjoys the game, mostly because it makes the kids so damn happy.
-Steve conserves most of his energy, so he doesn’t have to eat that much. When he does move it bit sluggish. However if he gets into a fight he’s ridiculous quick, using all the energy he’s conserved to deliver a prefect deadly strike. His venom is especially potent to Demogorgon’s, killing them within minutes of a bite. It’s thankfully useless on human’s.
As for the plush snake, Dustin and Max found two of them when they went out shopping for an emergency. After an awkward moment of silence Dustin says “It kinda looks like Steve.” and Max after a beat replies, “I won’t tell if you don’t tell.” Both making a silent pact of shared embarrassment as they both buy a plush and name it Steve.
Imho the idea of ‘cruelty free’ products or food shouldn’t mean that nothing died to create it, but rather that anything and anyone involved in the creation process hasn’t been exploited or harmed.
Leather is good actually. Veganism isn’t the end all be all to morality and consumption. The issue isn’t that a chicken died for those nuggets, but that while the chicken was alive, it’s life fucking sucked. Vegan chocolate means little if the cocoa that made it was gathered by child slave labor.
Factory farms, abuses of the people who pick the fruit and vegetables we eat, the focus profit and productivity over all else – that’s the fucking issue here. It’s capitalism folks.
Oh boy I was really looking forward to crossing the river of the dead but it looks like a ferry doesn’t come for another 20 minutes, do you guys mind sending me a reminder?
Randy, it’s been 20 minutes, time to cross the river