Good for this person. This is exactly what you do. Screw the job.
I had a job that made me work an all nighter, 30 hours straight, over Thanksgiving. I resigned that Monday and it was one of the most satisfying decisions I’ve ever made.
Please pay attention to all the manipulation tactics this boss uses, because they’re pulling out every trick in the book.
“I’m not your boss, I’m your friend”
“Other people will be hurt by this and it’s your fault and I’m going to tell them all that”
Mocking language
Jobs are important too
“Be a team player”
“We’re your family too”
Talking as if this is a thing you must do
“We all make sacrifices”
Undermining your authority
“You caused all of this, really”
Accusing you of being “unprofessional”
“Look at the money you cost us”
“Just laugh it off and come back to work”
This is like a 101 course in how employers use guilt trips to coerce you into putting up with their bullshit. This is precisely why you should never trust those employers who insist that they’re “like a family.” They are not. It’s just a ruse so that your boss can neg you into putting your job ahead of your actual life.
Ok this is satisfying and all but he lost me when she *doubled* his rate for *no reason.*
What possible motivation would the business manager have for that.
This is a fable.
@vocifersaurus … the business manager’s motivation is pretty clear, in my reading. From her POV, it went thusly:
This company entered into a contract with us.
This company royally fucked up.
This company tried to force their one qualified employee to sacrifice his PTO to fix their screw-up.
The one qualified employee quit.
They didn’t suck it up and take him back, but let the situation get WAY WORSE.
This has negatively affected MY company quite significantly.
They then tried to throw the employee under the bus for the whole mess.
The employee is still willing to do the work, getting my company out of trouble, but wants to get fucking paid what he’s worth, which is not unreasonable.
I now have a loophole by which I can get my company out of trouble while shafting the other company VERY COMPREHENSIVELY.
I am at this point going to double the price PURELY TO PUNISH THEM.
Fuck those guys.
I’d have done the exact same thing, given the opportunity.
In addition to that very good point about controlling for socioeconomic factors, the article says a single museum or concert per year makes a difference. Most cities have free community concerts (some even have free opera performances!) and museums that are either free, pay-what-you-want, or at least have specific days/times during which they are free or at a significantly reduced cost. Many libraries (which are free) provide free museum passes to card holders. In fact, the article quotes a museum worker who works at a free art museum in Baltimore.
If you actually read the article you would also read that educators are excited about this study because it provides evidence that the arts should be made more accessible financially – by restoring arts programs in the public schools, for example.
They controlled for socioeconomic factors though! The people who conducted this study knew that people with lots of money to attend the opera were also more likely to be able to afford basic necessities, so they controlled for it in their analysis. The fun thing about statistics is that you can control for different confounding factors so you can look at the effects of one independent variable (opera or whatever) on the dependent variable (mortality). Part of being critical of potential biases is actually reading the article and knowing what to look for.
this week in I Am Very Smart: having enough money to go to the opera, museums and concerts correlates with having enough money for food, shelter and basic health needs
First, thank you everyone, especially my commissioners, for the patience with these last days. I had little time to work, and who knows me know it makes a difference on my schedule, and for that i apologize!
I’ll be able to return full speed tomorrow night!
I spent three days without working, and tomorrow i’ll be evaluating the new construction worker that will *fix* the mess caused by the previous one.
To illustrate the extent, the house currently has no windows, not even a front door. No toilets either.
Like. Hell.
ANYWAY The previous one was paid in full for the service, which he didn’t deliver 40% of it. The schedule given by him, on november’s first, was around 20 days.
It’s not finished, we’re on february 18.
So yeah that was a mess. He is still to return around 20% of the total value… in which i end in negatives, because he was supposed to return 40. If taken to justice, knowing my country, it’ll take AT LEAST six months for me to get hands on crumbs.
So… if he doesn’t pay the 20% the only option- – is suing. But to that, i will have no money to finish it, so i’ll have a house deteriorating and other things exposed to the environment (cuz ceilings needs FIXING, can u believe)
And… I’ll have to hire another personnel to fix it. More costs.
anyway. It’s been a mess. Just wanted to let everyone know, because it is… all my savings, you know? It impacts a bit on my working speed and i am already thankful for the patience and confidence given.
I’ll do my best to not delay anything, and for sure i’ll keep everyone updated.
Thank you! Also, i am on negatives, but i can still manage, so if you’d like, aid someone in more urgent situations!
If you REALLY want to support me, ko-fi is always welcomed!