Month: August 2018


can old gods corrupt undead bc i was under the impression they couldn’t

Apparently blizzard mentioned that death knights cannot get corrupted from the Saronite the usually wear *somewhere* but I’ve never been able to get a solid source on that.

darkhan-drathir: hey take a LOOK at my DH, Saciroq, who’s “bonded” with an Aranasi soul ( or at least that’s the name he goes by :^) )


hey take a LOOK at my DH, Saciroq, who’s “bonded” with an Aranasi soul

( or at least that’s the name he goes by :^) )

wolftabard: rosehip-ingame: warpstargazer: i think everyone needs to see this right now Let me start by saying that no matter what was said, no one should be harassed. Anyway, I’ve a few people bring this up, and to be honest, I don’t think it really changes anything. People




i think everyone needs to see this right now

Let me start by saying that no matter what was said, no one should be harassed.

Anyway, I’ve a few people bring this up, and to be honest, I don’t think it really changes anything. People seem to assume that people are upset because they thought Blizzard said Sylvanas specifically would be morally grey, but that isn’t really my experience. At least, it’s not why I personally am feeling frustrated right now.

I’ve been a big Sylvanas fangirl since Vanilla. She’s always been one of my favorite leader, but I’ve never thought she was a good person. What she did didn’t come as a surprise to me. The moment they made her warchief, my heart started aching cause I knew one of my favorite characters could now only go in one direction: Eventual downfall.

The problem is that people showed concern that this would be another case of the Horde as main instigators in the war, with the Alliance as the “good guys” who are just defending themselves. When a statement like “Azeroth is a grey place” it indicates that there will be shades of grey, there will be people doing good and bad things on either side, which… Just isn’t what they are giving us. People reasonably thought that we would get to see the war as a conflict with two sides, where you could find something to support in either faction, but they’re not giving us that.

They are giving us a snarling villain on one side, and a heartbreaking attempt at saving civilians on the other. It is not portrayed as being grey, it’s portrayed at being very black and white. The alliance is good, and Sylvanas is evil, and since the rest of the Horde is not doing anything to stop her, we are evil by association.

And I’m sure we will get a chance to do something about it. We’ll get to dispose of her, sure. But that makes me sad too, because I still feel fond of her as a character. As a faction leader, not so much, but as a character, I do. Give me the Alliance messing up. Give me the siege of Lordaeron before the burning of Teldrassil, not a response to it. Give me ANY Alliance race leader being the aggressor in a way that isn’t shown as “He’s sad about how The Banshee Queen killed his son, see, isn’t it tragic?”, again bringing the main blame back on Sylvanas. Give me an Alliance that isn’t always innocent, and a real question about who is the good guys. Because that’s what “Azeroth is a grey place” indicates to me.

My own frustration doesn’t come from the fact that Sylvanas isn’t a grey figure. It’s from the fact that Azeroth isn’t.

Yes. The implication of Ion’s words was that there would be more shades of gray in this story. That both Horde and Alliance would have some good and some bad to them. That’s definitely not what the War of Thorns got across. 

Now, I know some of folks are saying that the moral grayness of the Alliance may come out during the rest of the BFA story, and that’s certainly something that could be true. For me though, I’m not sure I WANT more grayness at this point. The bar they’ve now set for the Horde is so bleak and villainous that I don’t want to see that bar drug down lower and lower for each faction. I don’t want them to force either side to have to match that level of villainy to make the setting gray. 

Like I would definitely like both factions to have heroic and questionable actions to their names, but I don’t want the game to be painted all in shades of charcoal. 

I definitely don’t want them taking Jaina and having her commit some equally horrifying act to give this balance, which is where I fear this is heading. 

So the reason Christie Golden posted that tweet is cause shes getting death threats over all this.



Oh I know. I didn’t say anything about the being civil part because people are being shitty about that. 

I can both not like the way the fandom acts, and still take issue with her saying the expansion hasn’t started yet when we’re getting content that’s was literally hyped as part of the expansion.

She can ask for people to be civil without patronizingly telling us that there’s still potential for good story when all the story so far has been utter shit, or that the story hasn’t begun yet when it obviously has.

Marius and Tehd have been shown in BfA beta, so then returning is a good thing. Also, with Ion and Christie saying that things will happen to the Horde but can’t say why cause of spoilers is frustrating, considering what happened today. The Dev team, in their smallest of hearts and brains, must have a plan in mind.


hey no offense but they have been doing the “oooh it’s not what you think! 😉 “ every expansion ever you guys need to stop playing yourselves at some point

And at least in MoP they had the decency to do the not-reveal reveal 4 patches in.

What Grace is Given [8/12/18]


Brothers and Sisters,

Our hearts are filled with a great sorrow. The Goddess weeps at the senseless loss of life, Azeroth herself burns and aches with the loss our world tree. Our hearts are laid bare.

Now more than ever, we need the Light of the Goddess to guide us through this darkness. The Night Warrior’s vengeance will come, her wrath swift and unforgiving… But first we must find our way. First we must grieve.

Join me at Olivia’s Pond on the 12th night. Bring your keepsakes, your paper lanterns and candles. Let us send our despair into the sky, let us honor those we have lost… Let us prepare for what is to come.

Tor ilisar’thera’nal, Brothers and Sisters.


We’ve all gone through some strife and trauma with today’s events. This month’s Grace of Elune will be a combination event, half sermon, half memorial. Rora will have less to say, and will open the event for attendees to speak on ones they have lost. Bring keepsakes of those your characters loved and lost, bring candles and lanterns. Let us grieve for the senseless violence.

When: August 12th, 6pm Server time.

Where: Olivia’s Pond, Stormwind City (pictures below)

What: A brief memorial to those we have lost, a sending to put those tormented souls to rest. 

Why: To remember those we leave behind, to reinforce our faith and prepare for the dark days ahead.

Who: Led by Roraelis, everyone is allowed to attend, no invite needed! DKs, DHs, and warlocks allowed!

Please note though- while this is not as sermon heavy as the prior events, be kind and courteous when others are speaking.Try to keep emotes and /say to a minimum so that the event text does not get lost in chat spam, and everyone can read what is being said. 🙂

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to hit me up-game on Roraelis or here on tumblr! I also have a calendar event for it in-game so if youd like to be added get in touch with me!


Exact location under the cut:

Keep reading

thepirateking:some dramatic rp shit 


some dramatic rp shit