Okay so, as most of my followers know I am getting my name legally changed very soon, and I need to get it all done before December when I start HRT!
The main hindrance at the moment is money. That much is really holding me back. I’m taking commissions, but with so much just.. Life stuff to pay for I have decided asking for a bit of help is a good idea.
To cover the legal expenses of a name change I need to raise at least $200.
My paypal is ssadistic@hotmail.com !
I also have a ko-fi here for small donations which are still very much appreciated as well! Even a dollar makes a difference.
At long last, The Chosen One has been discovered. Working as a cashier. With no interest in doing anything even slightly more difficult.
yeah because there is nothing more difficult than retail
tbh anyone who works/has worked retail would see the chance to go around saving the world in ways that could potentially kill them as a welcome vacation
“Does the position of Chosen One offer health benefits of any kind?”
“Well, our ragtag gang of world-saving underdogs has a doctor on-team.”
“Do I have to pay her out of pocket, is what I’m asking.”
“Gosh no! She’s an idealist, you don’t pay her at all!”
“Oh! That’s nice. But then I guess there’s no paycheck.”
“I mean, the secret cabal that dispenses our orders does make sure we have enough money to feed ourselves and keep a roof over our secret lair and such.”
“Hourly what?”
“Like have you guys ever had to punch a time clock?”
“We once had to dismantle a sinister time-freezing device in the shape of a clock….otherwise no.”
Should thou or thy belovèd be distinguished by judgement of a physician of the four humours to have become bestruck by that most terrifying of spectres, that which is known in our physical realm only by his unholiest name “Mesothelioma”, thou may be selected by writ of the law to receive financial benefit at the behest of thy king and kingdom. That unholiest of spectres be one of great recherché, and is beckoned by thy brandishing of, or otherwise exposure to, that material which is called salamander fur. Brandishing of salamander fur within the realms of seaborne nobledom, dockyards, mills, warmthcasting, carpentry, or equine husbandry may bear upon thee that spectre. We insist that thou mustn’t lose haste, summon us by use of the code 1-800-99-THE-LAW-2 within this day to assemble a conference of writ at no financial forbearence upon thee and receive print regarding affairs of the related capital. Bearers of that unholiest spectre beckon now! 1-800-99-THE-LAW-2
i think the basic difference between taz and cr is best illustrated by how they both handle zone of truth
in cr you have to tell the truth, but you can choose to not answer
in taz you are compelled to tell as many truths as you can get out, question-relevant or not
question: did you murder that stranger
critical role: i don’t know who that guy is (technically not a lie, since he’s a stranger)
In a campaign I’m in, the PCs have just returned to the present, having gone 500 years in the past (accidentally) and stopped a red dragon from destroying a city just by talking to it. When we were pulled in for questioning about a completely unrelated murder we weren’t involved in, the guards cast Zone of Truth… and we proceeded to dump out the whole story to this poor guard because HEY SOMEONE’S GOING TO BELIEVE US!
Waise your eyes to the skies and obserwve! Todway our world’s destwction has been awerted in defiwance of our wery makwers!
Awgawon de Obserwer, hewald of the titans, has been defweated by our bwave comwades in da depths of the titan city of Uwuduar.
Awgawon was sent hewe to judge da fate of owr wworld. He fownd a pwanet whose races had dewiated fwom the titans bweprints. A pwanet where not evwething had gone according to pwan.
Cold wogic had deemed our world not worth saying.
Cold wogic, however, does not account for the power of free will. It is up to each of use to pwove this is a world worth swaving.
That our wives… our wives are worth wiving.
Rhonin: M-mr garrowsh pwease don’t dwop a mana bwomb on Thewamow I’ll do anything fow you mr garrowsh pwease hewp