iron man: holy shit we gotta beat thanos
captain america: yeah we gotta beat thanos
thor: guys we gotta beat thanos
the hulk: we have to beat thanos
winston: room for one more?
the avengers: holy shit winston
winston: overwatch
mythprince: Celebrating Mermay with a new adoptable character event! Instead of eggs, predetermined prompts, or a calendar, I will be making free-form merfolk character designs for you to use as you like based on short descriptions from you! Maybe you’ve always dreamed of
Celebrating Mermay with a new adoptable character event! Instead of eggs, predetermined prompts, or a calendar, I will be making free-form merfolk character designs for you to use as you like based on short descriptions from you!
Maybe you’ve always dreamed of having one good fishy boy/girl/pal for your own, or you need a shimmery scaly friendo to fill a gap in your vast collection! Either way, Mermay is the perfect time of year to grab a new merfolk character!
You can use these designs for anything personal, like roleplay, or commissioned artwork. The only thing you cannot do is profit off the design in any way. Designs may be resold for the cost you paid for them, or traded for equal value.
For $50USD, I will design a character for you based on the following information:
- Character gender:
- Body Type:
- 1-3 Details you’d like incorporated into the design (long hair, lots of piercings, tribal clothing, etc.)
And you will get:
- 1 character design
- 1 transparent version
- 1 simple stock background version
Email me the completed form at with the subject “Mermay Adopt”. If I accept your proposal, I’ll shoot you a confirmation email and then you can send payment via Paypal or (the latter really helps me out, because has no fees!)
Feel free to message me with any questions!
elyfar:who left this hot garbage out here??
bylacey:More of this angry fish child for Mermay–he’s a Northern Pike & he’s ready to fight
I’m reading the beta dialogue for the attack on teldrassil, it’s horrible
I am serious when I say that everything being released for BFA for launch events and the current game is Not Good and allied races and zone aesthetics are all it has, it’s trying to do everything, it’s WoD 2 Electric Boogaloo with an entire ripped plot and theme from MoP, a villian theme harkening back to Wrath, carry-over elements from Legion and complete clunky disaster writing circa Cataclysm
The problem with WoD wasn’t its initial content release, it wasn’t until a month or so in that the real problems that made it the worst expansion of all time became apparent, which had nothing to do with writing.
Never forget kids, every expansion in history since Wrath has had more integrated plot lines and far worse writing than you’d like to remember. WoD’s form of this was missing pieces rather than pieces that were there that made no sense.
WoD’s entire premise was “We’re going back into the past (but not into the actual past because this is an alternate universe) because of Garrosh Hellscream and a bronze dragon” It had the same plot premise issues that BoFA is having
Not to mention that we’re two months out from pre-patch and classes are still super broken without artifact weapons
I just imagined a jeopardy category of solely vine references
“I’ll take vines for $200 alex”
“hurricane Katrina… more like ____”
“What is hurricane tortilla?”
“vines for $600″
“back at it again at ______”
“what is krispy kreme”
“vines for 300”
“this young man has remained illiterate his whole life”
“who is jared”
“vines for 400″
“Two bro’s are chilling in a hot tub, five feet apart because they are what?”
“what is not gay”
“vines for 500″
“the exclamation made upon discovering a bitch is empty”
“what is yeet”
“vines for 100”
“you can come on out to Del Taco and get some of this”
“vines for 800”
pew pew pew!~ Daily Double!
“This duck is no good, and he’ll never be shit. This is what?”
“what is just like his fatha”
Concept: elves who fully fail to grasp the difference between their lifespan and that of humans. Coming back to a town like “wtf this shop was JUST HERE last decade years ago I don’t understand” “what do you mean Philipp isn’t here this is his house I just visited him 50 years ago” “I’m sorry this potion is HOW MUCH I should be able to get TWELVE for that price!”
Elves still using human slang from 100 years ago because this is how the young people speak these days, yes?
Elves with a smug sense of superiority because their clothing is appropriate trendy who just happened to revisit humans when the fashion had cycled back around.
Elves apologizing profusely because the item they gave a human hero was passed down through three generations and then broke, it lasted less than a century they have embarrassed themselves and their kinfolk with such a shoddy gift.
Elves who commisioned a human craftsman than return to the shop 50+ years later confused that the item has long since been sold to someone else, or hidden away