Month: February 2018

rachelsdraws: im sure no one has made this joke ever in history ~*based on this post and inspired by this video lol*~


im sure no one has made this joke ever in history

~*based on this post and inspired by this video lol*~

blencem: The past year has been a very rough one, those who followed me for a while will probably have noticed. Rambling messages and the lack of art in all forms.. yet so many of you stayed, I’ve gotten so many kind words and besides that, new people have joined.I truly


The past year has been a very rough one, those who followed me for a while will probably have noticed. Rambling messages and the lack of art in all forms.. yet so many of you stayed, I’ve gotten so many kind words and besides that, new people have joined.

I truly cannot  thank you guys enough, I’m extremely humbled by all the support you guys have shown me not only for my art, but for me as a person as well.

Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


  • NEED to be following me
  • REBLOGS only (Multiple reblogs are a-okay!)
  • No Giveaway blogs please


  • 1st Place: Full colored Full-Body picture of a character of your liking
  • 2nd Place: Full colored Bust picture of a character of your liking


  • Character of your liking being an OC of sorts, I do not do Canon/Fanart.
  • Please take my ToS in consideration to see what I will and wont do! For any more questions ofcourse feel free to ask~
  • The winners will be randomly selected by running the list through, I’ll message the winner privately via ask and the messaging system.
  • I’ll give the winners 24 hours to reply otherwise I will move onto the next person, so keep your eyes open!

Giveaway will end on March, Sunday 11th at 9 PM CET.
You can check the countdown HERE.

Thank you guys so much once more, thanks for all the support.

metradell-vyorei: divascreech: thecybersmith: Translation: 99% of people did the bare minimum to get by, and the remaining fraction of people had to pick up the slack, creating lots of wealth as they did so. This is without a doubt the single most ignorant sentence I’ve ever




Translation: 99% of people did the bare minimum to get by, and the remaining fraction of people had to pick up the slack, creating lots of wealth as they did so.

This is without a doubt the single most ignorant sentence I’ve ever read on this website since people thought you could make a candy bar last forever.

He wants a human pet, literally do not acknowledge anything he says he’s banjaxed

xuza: Commission for @foggied! :D


Commission for @foggied! 😀

xuza: Commission for @tevruden! :D


Commission for @tevruden! 😀


