
i dunno whats up with this narrative bronies are trying to push where they keep insisting that they were “never actually that bad” 

yes you were. yes you fucking were. five years ago i couldn’t go a single day without seeing mlp content shoved in my face. no matter where i went or who i unfollowed, it made its way to my computer screen every single day. i would consider it a lucky day if the content was SFW. it often was not. 

cropped porn avatars. MLP dolls modded to have fleshlights in them. little girls attending “brony cons” only to be met with grown men discussing the asses of MLP characters. screencaps of the show highlighting the horses asses with the captions “THEY KNOW WE’RE CLOPPING AND THEY LIKE IT” 

i remember it all. we all remember. you can insist that you were never “that bad” but we all remember. 

there will never be “the new bronies.” people can get stabbed over mcdonalds sauce. steven universe fans can send death threats over fanart being too skinny. voltron fans can harass each other for bad headcanons. at least i can avoid seeing it if i want to. i could never avoid bronies, they were far too pervasive. far too enthusiastic. they were ever-present, inescapable, and they were always horny. horny for child cartoon horses.

there was a time when you couldn’t google a mlp character’s name without getting porn, even with the strictest safesearch on. it’s different now, thank god, but there was that time. that time a bunch of horny grown men stole something away from children and turned it in to something that children simply could not have. 

i’m not going to forget that. i wish i could, but i can’t. and i won’t. i will never forgive bronies for making me know what “clopping” is. don’t @ me, motherfucker.