Month: August 2017

polarspaz: Wrathion and Anduin have some interesting interactions in the beginning of their adventure, mostly due to Anduin’s fractured psyche and Wrathion’s pride/arrogance. Anduinn can be timid one moment, then turn cold and detached the next, and suddenly can become a


Wrathion and Anduin have some interesting interactions in the beginning of their adventure, mostly due to Anduin’s fractured psyche and Wrathion’s pride/arrogance.

Anduinn can be timid one moment, then turn cold and detached the next, and suddenly can become a raging death machine without even a flinch. However, being around Wrathion and being forced to interact with another person peacefully does start to bring back some of his old personality traits.

After this moment however, Wrathion learns real quick that Anduin does NOT like being touched so suddenly, especially when Anduin tries to tear out his soul in retaliation.

yung-rage: yung-rage: We’re happily announcing the return of the Stranglethorn Bonfire Bash for Summer 2017! Last year was such a blast that we HAD to do it again! Join Poeful the half-elf and Obasi the troll for an evening of beach-related fun: Show off your best beach wear



We’re happily announcing the return of the Stranglethorn Bonfire Bash for Summer 2017! Last year was such a blast that we HAD to do it again! Join Poeful the half-elf and Obasi the troll for an evening of beach-related fun:

  • Show off your best beach wear and take a selfie with the hosts!
  • Dip your toes in he’ethraze, the ancient troll sport of surfing!
  • Gather your teams for the debut of Bassball, the new competitive beach-front sensation – with prizes!
  • Or just grab a drink and party the night away!

When: Saturday, August 26th, 5pm server time on Wyrmrest Accord. (cross-server players welcome)
Where: Yojamba Isle, Northern Stranglethorn Vale. (map below)
Who’s Welcome: Everyone! Bring a friend, bring a date, anything goes. (We do not discriminate against lore-bending. All are welcome! Just have fun and be respectful!)
Join us for a night of drink, dance, and delighting in each other’s company. Let’s celebrate the summer!

Want to share your stories and artwork? Use the #stvbb tag!


The event starts in 15 minutes! We hope to see y’all there :3c

ninterbit: my demon hunter


my demon hunter


@ all my friendos who I keep rambling to about Gundam Wing lol BEHOLD~

I like sharing the old Toonami promos because IN MY DAY we didn’t have youtube and anime wasn’t mainstream yet so Toonami was often our first exposure to different animes.  These promos were aimed squarely at kids like me and THEY WERE VERY SUCCESSFUL.

Tbh I’m a little embarrassed by how important GWing was to me both as a creative person and just as a person lol.  It was the first animated show I recall where yeah there was cool action, but I also got to see the characters develop mentally and emotionally.  I saw them deal with extreme psychological trauma privately (and sometimes publicly omg).  They were the first animated characters that felt “human” to me and there was NOTHING like this in most of the western cartoons I watched at the time.  Before GWing I didn’t know animation could be used to tell longer complex stories where characters had time to change and grow. 

Anyway Gundam Wing is not the greatest show ever (unless you ask 12yr old me lol) but it was a HUGE part of my childhood and the reason I pursued art at all… because I wanted to draw cool robots and tell angsty stories. o/

drowofdarkness: Flat color sketch commission for @tigerprimal ! Her lovely troll gal Ishi lookin’ sexy in her swimsuit. Thank you so much for commissioning me, it’s always a pleasure to draw Ishi! Note: Again I think tumblr failed at the resolution, please open this in a new


Flat color sketch commission for @tigerprimal ! Her lovely troll gal Ishi lookin’ sexy in her swimsuit. Thank you so much for commissioning me, it’s always a pleasure to draw Ishi!

Note: Again I think tumblr failed at the resolution, please open this in a new tab to see the full quality!

bylacey:More doodles of young OCs–Simon in his first year of med school and him as a lil’ pup, questioning authority 


More doodles of young OCs–Simon in his first year of med school and him as a lil’ pup, questioning authority 

gabitzart: ..I had to draw this


..I had to draw this

m86: If you hard. Then you hard.


If you hard. Then you hard.