hey everyone its jeff from the overwatch team, we recently buffed dva so now shes a police officer and whenever you say stupid shit on the voice chat, harass people, blame your healer for losing, or play hanzo she will come to your house and arrest you physically
Since I can’t log into Tumblr at work, I just use my phone to share this comment at Kotaku regarding Anita Sarkeesian’s appearance on the Colbert Report.
People talk a lot about McCree’s responses to actually having food regularly available when he joins Blackwatch but like, other things to consider for this poor kid
His reaction upon seeing he has a BED, like an actual bed, there’s enough blankets on it for him to roll up in it twice and he does.
Not only that he gets his own ROOM? Plenty of people in Blackwatch bunk together but Gabe didn’t want that with McCree since he was still a minor when he joined so, perks.
McCree is actually allowed to keep his own things now. For a while he had a habit of hiding them in his room, when Gabe finds them he’s terrified they’re gonna get taken and it’s like no… they’re yours…
People often have Gabe being strict on him (and I’m sure he would be) but I think after day 1 Gabe would be VERY careful with the language he uses. The first time he shouts at him he can see McCree flinching, steeling himself like he’s about to get punched in the face or worse. He doesn’t yell at McCree anymore (overtime when they trust each other more he uses harsher language when necessary)
Gabe almost exhausted with how often McCree asks permission to do ANYTHING but doesn’t get upset because he knows why the kid does it
Don’t touch me on the concept of McCree thinking that the moment you become a risk you get left for dead. I hurt thinking about him stuck somewhere on a mission, just waiting to either die or be forced to save himself only for Gabe to save him.
Or Gabe’s surprise cause he almost expects the kid to be lazy but after a couple of late mornings the kid’s pushing himself really hard on training, always volunteering for cleaning duties, because he’s worried if he’s not being useful he’ll get kicked out.
“You want me to what?” “Take a short vacation kid.” “We…. have those…????”
“Kid I told you to take a break.” “I… don’t understand boss what’s a break…”
“You know Jesse, when I punished you and told you to polish the guns I didn’t expect you to be in here for an entire day.” “Uh, but, don’t they need to be spotless?” “*sigh* No but uh… you know what? Good job, go get some sleep.”
“Jesse…” “Yeah boss?” “Listen, a cleaning assignment doesn’t mean it has to look like new. Will you stop scrubbing the toilet, please?”
“Hey boss, made some dinner!” “J-Jesse… why is there so much?” “Well we had it and now we have leftovers to last us a week.” “Jesse…”
Or shit let’s talk about WATER rationing cause on route 66 I doubt it was a common thing. Jesse was probably used to running on one jug a day (like two cups at most). Like first day of rly hard training the kid PASSES OUT from dehydration and like. “Jesse, how much water have you had today?” “Uh? I had a little this morning I guess… with coffee…” “…. that’s it?” “Yeah why?” “Oh god.”
Gabe has to buy him a special water bottle so Jesse remembers to drink enough during the day.
Jesse hoarding sweets for a special occasion and Gabe has to remind him that “I can get you more, easy, if you need it, just eat it god.”
Oh god or clothing habits like, “Jesse, I gave you more than one uniform for a reason.” “What do you mean?” “I mean if one gets dirty you can wear a fresh one until laundry day jesus kid go change.”
On that note, it’s a two month battle to force Jesse to shower regularly.
He still hates showering regularly, to this day, but he does it.
Also it takes Gabe aprox. 1 day to figure out that Jesse uses the hat not just for kicks but as a confidence booster (feel stronger with it sort of thing) and allows him to wear it in spite of the uniform.
Other members steal it once, once, they never do again.
A) This was not supposed to get this many notes
B) @ people who are sad don’t be sad, Gabe is there, he’s going to take care of this kid now
Okay adding something I also just considered.
There’s been some hcs of Gabe being harsh on McCree but if anyone else treats him like that he gets defensive
Which is well and good but considering all this you have to consider WHY
Gabe’s fully aware of the shit McCree has been through, possibly had the kid talk to him about it so he could act accordingly. Eventually McCree grows to trust him enough that Gabe’s able to mouth of without frightening the kid much because he trusts Gabe, he knows Gabe wouldn’t hurt him.
That trust doesn’t extend to much anyone else, essp. not at first
If ANYONE else talks to McCree that way Gabe gets pissed because he knows what it’s actually doing to the kid.
If they’re lower ranked than him they just get in trouble
If they’re roughly the same rank they get scared shitless and a stern warning
If they rank higher than him he just stands between them and asks them to mind their tone.
Gabe doesn’t care if this kid is now a “soldier”, he 100% refuses to let this kid go on feeling like he’s just a disposable tool. The kid should not be SCARED FOR HIS LIFE if a higher rank is coming down on a mistake he made. Scared of being stuck on kitchen duty? Sure. But not his life.
*kicks down door* no wait one more thing
Gabe spends a lot of time working with Jesse and teaching him that yes he should follow orders but he should never let anyone threaten him, talk down to him, make him think he’s any less than he really is
And it sticks, and even tho the govt. has put out this huge bounty, even tho most of the world probably thinks he’s a criminal, it doesn’t really matter because McCree knows damn well who he is and it doesn’t matter if people make jokes about his cowboy get up because buddy pal friend I could have killed you four times during that insult so who’s really the loser here.
A collection of some sketches dedicated to the infamous faction and his leader the Lich King, this ends the journey of Anubaranco through the icy continent of Northrend, I hope you enjoy!
I understand that people want to avoid looking like they’re dictating someone else’s actions, but when every emote tells me that you would do something… I can’t help but want to respond that I would notice, except you haven’t done it yet and thus I go on about my day.
If it didn’t have its useful places, I would hate the word would.
With four-part harmony and feelin’.
Time to drop some knowledge! Here are the correct uses of the word “would.”
Imaginary scenarios
“I would love to go to Germany!” “I would like to be a writer.” “We would go to the party, but we don’t have a ride!”
Past tense
Would is the past tense of will. Wouldn’t is the past tense of won’t. Here is an example of using would in a past tense versus a present tense situation:
James: “I will take out the trash.” Amber (later on): “James said he would take out the trash.”
One is direct speech. The other is reported later on.
Past actions
Used in the same way that you would use “used to.” Typically refers to repeated actions in the past.
“When Johnny went fishing, he would always wear rubber boots.” “When I was a kid, I would jump on the bed when my parents weren’t around.”
Conditional statements
This is mostly used in hypothetical situations.
“If I had a million dollars, I would buy a new car!” “If I had worked a bit harder, I would have gotten a better grade.”
So why is this post important?
It’s here because people often misuse this word in writing (and especially in RP). You might see a post such as:
“She would stretch out her arms to catch the ball.”
What’s wrong with this sentence? It’s missing a qualifier. All the writer is telling us is what would happen. They’re not telling is that it did happen. There are two options to make this sentence correct. Either give it a qualifier…
“She would stretch out her arms to catch the ball, but she is too far away.”
… Or don’t use would.
“She stretched out her arms to catch the ball.”
When using the word “would,” ask yourself the following question. “She would do the thing… but does she or doesn’t she? And if she doesn’t, why?”
So if you are writing a character and they do a thing… don’t use would.
It did get better! OMG. Reblogging both versions for interested/amused friends.
And if you’re RPing with someone, your action involves another player, and you don’t actually know if will succeed your character can always try/attempt/etc to perform an action.