Month: April 2017

replied to your photo “At least your kid is smarter than you are”

Nothing wrong with vaxing older kids. My issue is the new massive concoctions long term untested in tiny new born bodies. Ok so you pro vaxers say it doesn’t cause autism. But please explain to me why every second person you meet is related to kids who are autistic or Aspergers. Give me singles any day. Let me fucking have singles you asswipe controlling fucking medical / government fucks.

wrexie: hi what’s up!! during stream today over at Fart Castle we practiced painting,   with our new favorite friend, wrathion!! jk he’s an old friend. four years old. ancient



what’s up!! during stream today over at Fart Castle we practiced painting,  

with our new favorite friend, wrathion!!

jk he’s an old friend. four years old. ancient

disteal: Here it is! Thanks for 24k followers guys, hope you all have someone to softly remind you that you’re special


Here it is!

Thanks for 24k followers guys, hope you all have someone to softly remind you that you’re special

king-salt:haven’t inked anything in a long time, mostly because it strains the hell outta my wrists, but i wanted to see if i still could V:


haven’t inked anything in a long time, mostly because it strains the hell outta my wrists, but i wanted to see if i still could V:

questifer: katieskarlette:Khadgar is having way too much fun with this. True story, this quote was brought to you by the same guy who did:“Something’s not quite right!”“Outside lies doom.”Su’eshPearlhunter PhinTel’anorAnd more recently the “Rolling Thunder”



Khadgar is having way too much fun with this.

True story, this quote was brought to you by the same guy who did:

  • “Something’s not quite right!”
  • “Outside lies doom.”
  • Su’esh
  • Pearlhunter Phin
  • Tel’anor
  • And more recently the “Rolling Thunder” world quest

His name is Andrew and he loves puns. He was hired shortly before I was and he’s muh besty. 🙂

ceasie: Sylvanas: What do you see, Blightcaller?Nathanos: I– I’m shaking hands with Khadgar. I’ve won the House Cup.@usagiyojumbo


Sylvanas: What do you see, Blightcaller?

Nathanos: I– I’m shaking hands with Khadgar. I’ve won the House Cup.


stormwind-keep: let,,,them,,,hug,,,

