Month: April 2017

This is how the cinematic went, right?

This is how the cinematic went, right?

fandomsandfeminism:A+ to that girl for getting vaccinated as soon as she was able. Fuck those parents. lol my post has made it all the way back to my dash (with my text removed, of course)


A+ to that girl for getting vaccinated as soon as she was able.

Fuck those parents.

lol my post has made it all the way back to my dash (with my text removed, of course)

bumbtutts:I made a drow paladin for DnD with my pals! Very fun thus far. His name is Zaareth Tybalt and he fuckin loves cats, you guys


I made a drow paladin for DnD with my pals! Very fun thus far. His name is Zaareth Tybalt and he fuckin loves cats, you guys

kestrelle: kestrelle: SO I’ve been fucked over by my job for a month straight, first with my direct deposit information somehow being wrong and my first paycheck not going through (i still haven’t gotten this check) and my second paycheck being only for a day of work when I



SO I’ve been fucked over by my job for a month straight, first with my direct deposit information somehow being wrong and my first paycheck not going through (i still haven’t gotten this check) and my second paycheck being only for a day of work when I know I’ve worked more than that. 

While I get this sorted out with the HR department where I work, I’m currently in need of some funds, so I’m opening commissions to help ease the transition into my next (hopefully accurate and on time) paycheck which will be in two weeks, and until I can get the money I’m owed. 

The first style is $35 and the second is $15!

I’m only taking a few slots and they are first come first serve, so please send me an email @ if you’d like to reserve a slot.

I will draw anything! Thank you for taking the time to read this!


please considering commissioning – I recently spilled water on my laptop keyboard, and while only one of the keys has stopped working I’m more than likely going to have to get the entire keyboard replaced because laptops aren’t easily fixed!!

1. Open

2. Open

zkarmacage: Commission: Jiaal DraeneiDiva’s lovely death knight Jiaal! They were explaining to me that she sometimes cuts up a person’s flowers to get back at them if she’s been pissed off so I figured I’d throw in some sacrificial flowers right there. I love WoW for


Commission: Jiaal

DraeneiDiva’s lovely death knight Jiaal! They were explaining to me that she sometimes cuts up a person’s flowers to get back at them if she’s been pissed off so I figured I’d throw in some sacrificial flowers right there.

I love WoW for their detailed armor and everything but damn if it isn’t a pain in the ass to draw. I liked the challenge though; this just goes to show that I need to work on details and my speed. Im super slow at the moment eheh…

Jiaal belongs to DraeneiDiva

You do not have permission to repost, trace, or alter my work in any way or on other websites for any purposes.

Tumblr | Furaffinity | Weasyl | DeviantArt | Youtube

fernacular:The Kids


The Kids

garbagedk: Thingy for @tevruden :D [[Only Tev has permission to repost this, but reblogs are loved!]] This is so beautiful; Tev is totally done with night elves, everything night elf related and being turned into a night elf.Thank you so much :D


Thingy for @tevruden 😀

[[Only Tev has permission to repost this, but reblogs are loved!]]

This is so beautiful; Tev is totally done with night elves, everything night elf related and being turned into a night elf.

Thank you so much 😀