Month: September 2016

antaresia: sometimes you just get the urge to doodle weird mouthless centaur aliens with knife tails, man


sometimes you just get the urge to doodle weird mouthless centaur aliens with knife tails, man

tuskboy: i love dungeons


i love dungeons

spockirkcoy: good shot


good shot

nefariousasexualschemeoftheday: Nefarious Asexual Scheme of the Day: 1. Corner the burgeoning vore market 2. Destroy all vore through clogged arteries and hypertension 3. Eliminate all kinks one by one 4. Move on to extinguishing foreplay 5. Reduce sex to a joyless mechanical


Nefarious Asexual Scheme of the Day:

1. Corner the burgeoning vore market

2. Destroy all vore through clogged arteries and hypertension

3. Eliminate all kinks one by one

4. Move on to extinguishing foreplay

5. Reduce sex to a joyless mechanical conception process, because why should anyone be happy when we aren’t?


i love when games are like “you can become a cyborg and gain all these powers…but are you TRULY HUMAN afterwards???” like i sincerely do not care. give me the robot powers. make me strong