

You know what I’d like to see?

More fictional couples where the whole Belligerent Sexual Tension thing actually plays out the way it does in reality.

Struggling not to crack a smile as you call them a total asshole.

Deliberately feeding each other straight lines for insulting comebacks, and thinking you’re being subtle about it.

Managing to pronounce “fuck you” as a term of endearment.

Getting really territorial about it when you see anybody else badmouthing them – like, excuse me, that’s my prerogative you’re treading on there, pal.


Acting theatrically offended by extremely minor flaws.

Telling each other to shut up when you didn’t even say anything yet.

Having entire arguments so well-practiced that you can set your partner off with a single word or gesture, and doing so on purpose.

Being deliberately rude and obnoxious to each other in really dorky ways and competing to see who breaks character by cracking up laughing first.