Month: August 2016

berunov: Rider!Soldier76 & Rider!Reaper


Rider!Soldier76 & Rider!Reaper

little-ojousama: An old thing, but a good thing. I think next time I’ll add some flowers. What do you think, @tevruden?


An old thing, but a good thing. I think next time I’ll add some flowers. What do you think, @tevruden?

baire-ow: 樂




I am tired of “I have embroidered a swear word”

what if everyone who embroidered a rude word embroidered a nice word and thought about what they’ve done

Well you’re not the one embroidering them so maybe you should just stay in your lane 




bruce wayne maintains a presence on all conspiracy theory boards with the screen name BruceWayneIsTheBatman and all his posts have titles like “BRUCE WAINE IS BAT-MAN INDISPUTABLE PROOF” and it’s just a picture of Bruce Wayne from the back next to a picture of Batman from behind and they both have the contours of their butt drawn on in a shitty MSPaint red line (note: Bruce is in a suit and Batman has a cape, neither of their butts are clearly discernible) and the quote “THE BUTTS MATCH!!! THE FACTS DON’T LIE!!!!!” and he makes at least three of these posts a day, and “Bruce Wayne is the Batman” becomes a meme a la “Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer” and he gets asked about it on a talk show and he laughs uproariously at the idea and Stephen Colbert just HAPPENS to have a batman mask under the desk and they do a bit together where Bruce Wayne puts on the mask and walks around saying things like “excuse me, bank robbers, can I perhaps offer you some money to stop you robbing this bank?” and “I say, cease and desist your criminal behavior or I’ll have my butler ask you to leave” and the audience is LOSING THEIR MINDS laughing at the idea of this pampered rich guy taking on the Joker on a bi-weekly basis and then anyone who suggests “Bruce Wayne is Batman” in earnest gets met with mocking “oh man do the butts match” comments