
look i’m sure sombra will tell us actually relevant and important secrets about the other characters but i kinda wish she’d just tell us stupid little embarrassing things instead like she just walks up and

“pharah still sleeps with her teddy bear his name is JUSTICE sometimes she stuffs him in her armor on long missions”

“i’m not sure what’s worse; the fact jack wears tighty-whities or the fact gabriel wears a thong”

“reinhardt has a deathly fear of spiders he’ll immediately jump on furniture to escape them that’s why all the furniture was always broken”

“one time ana fell off a sniper perch into a dumpster and she thought no one saw BUT I DID”

“mccree actually doesn’t listen to country or western music he likes really perky j-pop songs he just lies because it doesn’t fit his ‘image’”

“mercy both sleepwalks and sleeps nude it’s really an experience”