Month: June 2016

rinylyn: Here’s my contribution to the @saveerasezine!You can download both the save and erase editions right here for free!I’m really glad the zine is out now, so check out all the awesome art in it if you can!


Here’s my contribution to the @saveerasezine!
You can download both the save and erase editions right here for free!
I’m really glad the zine is out now, so check out all the awesome art in it if you can!




sorry but same gender couples kissing or holding hands in public continues to be a radical statement especially because every time we do it we are putting ourselves in danger so excuse me if I don’t want to hear your bullshit homophobic opinion about how much pda upsets you

you know what upsets me? that my wife and i can’t kiss to say goodbye in public or at all but a man can slap his gf’s ass or slobber on her

and that we can’t hold hands without getting looks at the least and harassment at worst, but again straight couples can dry hump on public transit

shut the fuck up

I… I am Demi sexual.

This means a lot.

But might I point out that nothing you mentioned is wrong. I sneezed in Walmart and no one said bless you so this old women looked around then apologized. I said I am an athiest. She then scoffed and walked away. Later I saw her in line and she said if I am here to harass her, she’ll call the police. I had barely noticed her. This is not new, not harassment, not illegal, and not dangerous. Don’t be upset because not everyone accepts us. Be happy that you don’t have to care. Posts like this make me sick. It’s like you WANT it to be a problem, otherwise you would have nothing to post about. I understand telling people to leave you alone, but don’t try to stifle their opinions. You liking the same gender or not is just as much an opinion as them hating you for it.

I have said my peace.
Good day.

“I sneezed in Walmart and no one said bless you”

Man this post just gets worse in the comments

7f40: timelostprince: scale-bound: Scale Bound is a dragon-centric guild located on Wyrmrest Accord-US (Alliance). We will be focusing on casual guild roleplay and events, and both old and current PvE content.We are an LGBT+ friendly community made of players ages 18 and up.




Scale Bound is a dragon-centric guild located on Wyrmrest Accord-US (Alliance). We will be focusing on casual guild roleplay and events, and both old and current PvE content.

We are an LGBT+ friendly community made of players ages 18 and up. If you would like to apply, please follow the link here.

Mini Q&A

  • Does my character have to be a dragon?
    • Yes, as we are dragon-focused and some dragons may not want to be outed to civilians.
  • What if my character is a black dragon/nether drake/etc.?
    • All dragons are welcome under our banner.
  • Does my character have to be 100 already?
    • Absolutely not! All character levels are welcome, and for those starting fresh we will be forming leveling groups for questing and dungeons.
  • What if my character is from another realm?
    • We will gladly work with you via cross-realms!
  • I am new to roleplaying/the game…
    • Whether you are new to the roleplaying scene or the game itself, or even looking for a new home; all skill levels are welcome!

For those who have been asking about the dragon guild, it arrives~!! 😀

beep boop heres the scoop










Why do artists refuse to use references why why why.

It’s not a contest to see who can get by without them. It’s not cheating to look at a thing in order to know what the thing looks like.

You don’t get stronger or better by pretending. Nobody is impressed by the awkward whatever-it-is you just drew. Use references.

I don’t think a lot of people know that it’s not cheating. I recall seeing so many piece of art called out because they referenced a pose, someone recognized it, and then proceeded to shame them for it. There’s this belief, both by creators and the audience, that artists should just be able to translate the ideas from their head to paper, and if they don’t, it’s plagiarism, or not true originality (spoiler alert: there’s no such thing).

I myself didn’t start using references until very recently, because even I was under the impression that it was frowned upon. And that belief has seriously crippled and stalled my ability to improve as an artist.

As a restarting artist, I can confirm. I just never knew. I thought you were just supposed to know how to draw the body correctly and if you didn’t you had no talent.

(( I am going to say this again, loud and clear for everyone:


If you can draw/paint without references, great!  But if you need to use them, and feel that your art can be bettered by using references, please, use them!  This is one of the biggest tips I can give to artists, is USE REFERENCES! 

Anyone who would dare to attack someone for using references after ‘recognizing a pose’ is a dipshit, who doesn’t know a thing about art.

Do you know who else used references for their art?

Norman Rockwell

Alphonse Mucha

Gustav Klimt

Toulouse Lautrec

Vincent Van Gogh

Paul Gauguin

Edgar Degas

Gil Elvgren

Frida Kahlo

Pablo Picasso

Disney Studios

And thousands of others!  So, artists! Go forth, and use references!!! ))

What do you think artists do when they ask someone to stand infron of them for 6 hours and then they draw this person. Do they cheat? Or when they place a still life and then paint it, cheating again? LOL

#literally one of the biggest fears I have #is for some douchefuck to dig out my reference #and point at it and say that I’m not a real artist #I don’t want you to dig out my references to prove that I didn’t make up a realistic picture out of fucking thin air #that’s not how art works #but especially on this site it happens CONSTANTLY #it’s so fucking scary #when people who’ve never touched a pen in their lives think they’re qualified to judge you #and ‘reveal’ how you’ve ‘scammed’ people

Soooo. I made this post originally on my personal blog (I’m eliciaforever), and it was nothing more than a little rant about a specific incident that I deleted after five minutes. But before I could delete it, it took the hell off on me, and now it has all these notes. And LOTS OF AMAZING INPUT.

And I just wanted to add in response to the above tags in particular, that shaming people for using references is something that happens to so many of us SO OFTEN. It doesn’t matter how skilled you are. People think art is supposed to be magical or whatever, and anything else is a crime. The reality of course is that art is a thousand times more deliberate than a lot of people think it is.

So yeah. Good info to pass along. Use references, kids. <3

Reblogging because I think it’s important especially for young artists to gain the confidence to use references.

Seriously, references are esssential! Use them!


Can confirm, literally everyone uses references for at least some pieces. Using references is NOT a bad thing, and is actually a VERY VERY GOOD THING for improving your hand and eye for various subjects/objects.

Okay people, history-fail story-time…



So back in the 1780′s when our country was still figuring crap out and ol’ George Washington was just elected president, G.W. decided to send a letter to Congress along the lines of ‘Looking forward to working with you all, this will be exciting!” Congress, not wanting to slight the president and also trying to express their own enthusiasm, sent back a letter along the lines of “Glad you’re excited, we are also looking forward to working with you!”

Then George sends another letter back saying something like “Cool cool bros, glad you’re just as excited as I am,” and Congress, again not wanting to be awkward or just ignore the PRESIDENT, sent back ANOTHER letter saying some dumb crap that was probably along the lines of “Glad you’re excited that we’re excited that you’re excited.”

Democracy at its finest.

And while this in itself is funny, that is not even the best part.

George Washington, while being powerful, was not extremely eloquent, and at this point was also aging, busy, and overall very stressed about his new position (which he did not want in the first place).  So he asked his old friend James Madison, who had a much better way with words, to write the first note to Congress.  Good old James Madison, wanting to oblige his friend, did just that and composed the note to Congress.  Now, J-Mads was himself a member of Congress, so when the note arrived, he was in session to hear “Washington’s” letter read.

Congress got nervous and worried about who could possibly compose a formal and acceptable letter back to Washington.  Who better than his old friend, James Madison?  So Jimmy, being obliging, wrote the response.  When Washington received the reply, he once again asked his friend to write the response.  

And who did Congress choose to write their final letter? That’s right….none other than Jimmy-James-Madison himself.

So James Madison, future 4th president of the United States, wrote himself 4 letters under the guise of George Washington and the first Congress of the U.S.  And he was too embarrassed to admit it.

catfish of the millenium