Varian is a very patient person with all this ruckus in his throne room.

Feat @adries
A copy of Tevruden's blog because I don't Trust Like that anymore.
Varian is a very patient person with all this ruckus in his throne room.
Feat @adries
Very important Druid Secret w/ @icyvveins
I am going to be real with you. If, in MMOs, you find yourself seriously bent out of shape over content that was once difficult to get (or is now no longer available to get) becoming more easily available several years later, you got problems and need to perhaps pet a dog or enjoy a cool, refreshing drink on a nice day.
Thiiiiis oh my god. The fun and challenge and EXPERIENCE you had associated with whatever content / items / achievement / shiny mount can’t be taken away from you. That’s yours. You got shiny thing before everyone else.
Other people getting to enjoy shiny thing in no way devalues your experiences.
I used to have a friend that stepped all over others to make sure they got their own shiny thing and would frequently have tantrums and threaten to quit (WoW, and another site) when things became more accessible to others, or outright refuse to help people once they got theirs.
I worked my ass off for my SoO scorpion / Cutting Edge achieve, and to get to hit Garry in the face when it was current. Do I care that others can farm it now? NOPE. Hell, I’ll help you. I love running old raids, and keeping them as 1% drop makes getting them a challenge all their own. Other people getting a cool thing doesn’t take away how much I had to work and improve as a player to get to that point.
Stop defining fun in MMOs as the exclusion of others from content.
as funny as the “pokemon S&M” jokes are?
i think that we need to keep that far away from children.
please call them pokemon sm for official things and stuff?
i mean, we never included the & before (rby, gsc, rse, dppt, hgss, bw, b2w2, xy, oras) so it’s really obviously a sex joke
and since the pokemon franchise is made for kids, its very inappropriate for older fans (ESPECIALLY adults) to make it into a sex joke..
i dont want children to be banned from playing pokemon because their parents see so many people calling it pokemon S&M.. please don’t take children’s media away from them.
Exactly! This is really important. please be considerate of younger fans. Act with decency when it comes to something explicitly aimed at children.
I’ve seen some people calling it “psm” for pokemon sun and moon. i know it sounds close to psmd (pokemon super mystery dungeon), but it should work just the same. Let’s keep things clean and safe for the kids!
Been doing these unofficially for a while so making an at-a-glance sheet is overdue. I’ll also stream your stuff by request or if I feel particularly gregarious.
Payment via Paypal, USD
Easy email copypasta: barron@barronblack.comIiiIIi deleted this oops
uhh okay
so uh, some unexpected expenses came up and basically I have no money for food for the next 6 days….
if anyone’s willing to donate I’d really appreciate even a few dollars
or commissions, which are still doable but you’ll be put in queue and with how hectic my work schedule is w/ my fulltime job I can only guarantee a really rough time frame…
but yeah my paypal is thanks friends;;