


as funny as the “pokemon S&M” jokes are?

i think that we need to keep that far away from children.

please call them pokemon sm for official things and stuff?

i mean, we never included the & before (rby, gsc, rse, dppt, hgss, bw, b2w2, xy, oras) so it’s really obviously a sex joke

and since the pokemon franchise is made for kids, its very inappropriate for older fans (ESPECIALLY adults) to make it into a sex joke..

i dont want children to be banned from playing pokemon because their parents see so many people calling it pokemon S&M.. please don’t take children’s media away from them.

Exactly! This is really important. please be considerate of younger fans. Act with decency when it comes to something explicitly aimed at children. 

I’ve seen some people calling it “psm” for pokemon sun and moon. i know it sounds close to psmd (pokemon super mystery dungeon), but it should work just the same. Let’s keep things clean and safe for the kids!