why would a fantasy world with dragons and orcs and liches not have gay marriage, i dont fucking understand these nerds who strive to cling to the shittier aspects of reality in fantasy
“check it out, this monster that shoots acid out of its one nostril and it has like a fucked up ostrich body.”
I’ve made a dozen previously discontinued designs available for 72 hours. While they are in the store, all my Magic: The Gathering prints are also 20% off.
mary poppins fits the mythological role of a trickster god, discuss
She….she shows up in a time of dullness, creates chaos and drives on the story, but always is sure that everything is fixed, though changed, often for the better. Lessons were learned. Holy crap, she fits the archetype very well.
I feel like you should definitely not leave Loki in charge of your children, though.
C’mon, Loki has been a fabulous parent.
Well, granted, his children have been successful in a wide range of fields.
I want everyone to push the Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer joke relentlessly until Ted Cruz is forced to address whether or not he is the zodiac killer in a debate
Wowww. I mean, I get messages like this all the time, but this says so much about YOU and your worldview, and basically nothing about anyone else. Much less whoever you intended to insult with this.
I mean, is “being European” some kind of accomplishment? It’s obvious you seem to think that, so much so that you imagine that people who aren’t must somehow secretly long to be. There’s little to no logical consistency between any statement you’ve made here.
All I see is regurgitated racist lies that are obviously false, and demonstrate with embarrassing clarity that your identity is an empty construct based entirely on what it is not, and who it excludes. The smallness of your worldview would be pitiful if it didn’t have so much violence behind it.
You can cover your eyes and throw a tantrum, but the truth stays true, and European history still includes a fascinating, complex, and mind-blowingly diverse cast of human beings throughoutall aspects of society.
History is beautiful, and diverse, and full of so much immense possibility that I never really stop being in awe of it. If you can’t see the beauty in that, that’s your problem.