Month: October 2015

tumblr staff leader sitting in a big swivel chair smoking a cigar and stroking his chin with hundred dollar bills: so the polls are in…. we know the features users hate the most…… but what seem to be the ones they like the best?????
some poor intern: that appears to be the reply feature, sir
tumblr staff leader: delete it immediately

Dante: [People who can’t park in the lines] need to find jesus christ so he can take the wheel for you.

denjosketches: Cobalgos the Aurora-shaper  Part 3 of my little challenge, this time it’s the blue dragonflight.  Decided to give him an appearance more alike to the azure drake, since I love their color scheme. and tried to give him a bit of a scholar-y (and hella sassy)


Cobalgos the Aurora-shaper 

Part 3 of my little challenge, this time it’s the blue dragonflight. 

Decided to give him an appearance more alike to the azure drake, since I love their color scheme. and tried to give him a bit of a scholar-y (and hella sassy) look.

I really like the whole crystal/arcane focus of the blue dragonflight, and I love how they’re described in the books (especially malygos the merry giant). and I really hope we get to see that side of them in game. only ever knew them as batshit crazy spellslingers in game til I started reading the warcraft novels some months ago. 

not sure whether to do the red or bronze one next hmm.

Other parts:

Black dragonlfight (Sulfurion) 

Green dragonflight/  Nightmare dragon (Lucira)

hornedfreak: Some concepts of my Kaleesh bounty hunter, Adraxus~  He’s a tough guy, but quiet and pretty chill… 


Some concepts of my Kaleesh bounty hunter, Adraxus~ 

He’s a tough guy, but quiet and pretty chill… 

malformalady: Lykoi cats get their freaky appearance from a natural mutation in a domestic shorthair that gives the felines werewolf features and prevents them from growing a full coat of fur. And now the eye-catching – and spooky – appearance of the cats have seen a new trend


cats get their freaky appearance from a natural mutation in a domestic
shorthair that gives the felines werewolf features and prevents them
from growing a full coat of fur. And now the eye-catching – and spooky – appearance of the cats have seen a new trend in breeding the type. Tennessee-based veterinarian
Johnny Gobble, one of three ‘foundation breeders’ behind the Lykoi cats,
said the first litter was born in 2010. The new breed has a patchy coat
caused by incomplete hair follicles and no hair around its eyes, nose,
ears and muzzle – it can even go completely bald.

Photo credit: Brittney Gobble