Month: September 2015

The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme


Send me some numbers and a character name and I will tell you:

  1. What does their bedroom look like?
  2. Do they have any daily rituals?
  3. Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
  4. What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
  5. Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
  6. Eating habits and sample daily menu
  7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
  8. Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
  9. Makeup?
  10. Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
  11. Intellectual pursuits?
  12. Favorite book genre?
  13. Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
  14. Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
  15. Biggest and smallest short term goal?
  16. Biggest and smallest long term goal?
  17. Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
  18. Favorite beverage?
  19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
  20. Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
  21. Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
  22. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
  23. How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
  24. Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
  25. How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
  26. Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
  27. What is their biggest regret?
  28. Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
  29. Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
  30. Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
  31. Most prized possession?
  32. Thoughts on material possessions in general?
  33. Concept of home and family?
  34. Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
  35. What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
  36. What makes them feel guilty?
  37. Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
  38. Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
  39. What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
  40. Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
  41. How misanthropic are they?
  42. Hobbies?
  43. How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
  44. Religion?
  45. Superstitions or views on the occult?
  46. Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
  47. If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
  48. How do they express love?
  49. If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
  50. Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?

brothersemberfell: That look Felo’thore had when he woke up after being poisoned, and still wasn’t sure if he was dead or not. terra-stone


That look Felo’thore had when he woke up after being poisoned, and still wasn’t sure if he was dead or not.


The Dawnfury Tournament



“Citizens of the Horde, our enemies have on Dreanor have been vanquished. Our armies have answered our calls and scattered the bloody bodies of the monsters that once called themselves ‘the true horde.’ But at what cost? At what cost did countless heroes have to die? All of this could have been avoided, but a new world has been made. Because of their sacrifice, many monsters would not ravish that world. No scourge, Sylvanas would still be Quel’dori, and perhaps there would be peace among the horde and alliance in that world. The feats we accomplished on Dreanor didn’t just save a few lives, but two worlds that were never meant to collide. Does the end justify the mean? It does. And now, with the heroic deeds our soldiers have accomplished, we are left to rebuild. But the threat still remains, a threat will always remain. To prepare, the Thalassian Military has turned to the Arena of Honor to be our driving point. A tournament of enormous proportions is coming! It will test your Valor, your Strength, and your Will. This is a tournament to find our best, our brightest, to find our future vanguards against the tide that seeks to sweep the horde from our mighty pedestal! Come earn Glory, Victory, gold and recognition of your prowess at the Dawnfury Grand Tournament!”

Hosted by the Dawnfury Regiment

There will be two brackets, one being emote style combat and the other straight forward PvP fighting. Judges will chose the winner of the emote combat and victory will decide the winner of the PvP tournament. 

There will be eight smaller tournaments. The top four winners of both brackets will continue to the Grand Tournament. Winners of the smaller tournaments will get smaller cash prizes as well as in game prizes.

Grand Tournament winner (who wins both PvP and the emote fight) will get $500 US dollars in cash. The runner ups then will receive gold and mounts.

Reward for the Tournament: $500 US dollars for the two Grand Masters. Finalists get their choice of the Amani Dragonhawke, Feldrake, Spectral Tiger, or Molttled Drake. Runner ups get the choice between miner cash prizes or in game gold. Declared favorites of the lesser tournaments will be given their choice of in game store mounts.

The date is currently TBA, but the tournament will take place over several weeks. Keep an eye out for the date. Check the forums, tumblr, and even talk in Silvermoon for the date when the time comes. The date is subject to change depending on the host’s schedule.

sunchaserfamily drazuriann silvermoon-sun-times fairstrike coby80694


erwil: More concept nonsense. I feel like I don’t draw her enough so she’s kinda lagging behind Jack and Omar at the moment. Erwil’s still kind of a secret character in Tistow. What is a mythological creature doing in the middle of an industrial city? You’re gonna have


More concept nonsense. I feel like I don’t draw her enough so she’s kinda lagging behind Jack and Omar at the moment.

Erwil’s still kind of a secret character in Tistow. What is a mythological creature doing in the middle of an industrial city? You’re gonna have to wait and find out!