Chris Metzen: This guy. Yeah next expansion he’s alive again.
what would we do without that chris metzen .png
<insert someone’s chris metzen pointing at the orc lower area, here>
Its time to bring that back
Okay just to be clear. We never actually saw Illidan die. He was not dead. Just b/c his “body” was there to loot does not mean he’s dead.
Just like saying we killed Yogg or C’thun. They aren’t dead just TKO’d back into endless sleep so their guardians can keep them in their cages. Because we know from all the Titan Lore that you can’t kill the Old Gods without killing Azeroth.
Plain and simple ladies and gents. It isn’t about ‘lore police’ in several of these, it’s more about people getting upset that there are people who don’t agree with their RP.
News flash, not everyone has to like what you roleplay.
News flash for those who throw it in other peoples faces all the time, you can use ignore or just walk away.
RP is a group effort and if one party doesn’t want to participate then the RP isn’t there. Consent and OOC communication are key to making a happy roleplay community. People always will do what they want, but it isn’t our job, or anyone’s job, to tell them how to do it. Just like it isn’t their job to go out and tell people they are bad and elitists and such for not wanting to RP with them.
Chris Metzen: You know Frostmourne/Ashbringer/Doomhammer/Felo’melorn? Yeah, you can wield them now.
alternate universe where everything is exactly the same except all retail employees are required by law to wear heelys
And there are heely comps where they heely everywhere and the store that wins gets to take over the parking lot of another’s store and do whatever Plot twist your main characters are from retail stores, hate each other, or love each other whaever, and compete against each other. Or one girl/guy/person goes to two stores where they fall in love with two retail people and suddenly love triangle aruements in the middle of the grocery markets parking lot and everyone’s confused.
i don’t possess the vocabulary to properly express how much i hate this