Month: June 2015


i love being so queer and asexual. i’m so queer. so asexual. i love being queer as an asexual person. so queer. so ace. it’s a good thing that i, an asexual, am also queer. i love



Ok just to be clear
if you are bi and are in a het relationship, you are going to benefit fro straight privilege. Your identity still exists but identity alone does not trump the experiences of gay ppl or bi ppl in homosexual relationships who want and need more support from the queer community. Also please dont appropriate words like “faggot” or “dyke” if you have only ever been in a het relationship. Its just not socially sensitive and really there is no reason to reclaim gay slurs unless they have been used against you in the past

Do you know who else has “Straight passing privilege”? 

Single gay people. Gay people who are walking down the street not actively engaging in PDA with their partner. Closeted gay people. Ace people. Trans people.  Intersex people. Non-binary people. 

Lots of people, actually. Except, when it happens to anyone else, we call it “erasure.” Or “compulsory heterosexuality” or “heteronorativity.” 

For some reason, having your identity ignored and all the other facets of your experience brushed aside are only a PRIVILEGE if you are bi. 

Being Bi in a woman/man relationship doesn’t negate the fact that approximately 25% of bisexual men and 30% of
bisexual women live in poverty, compared to 15% and
21% of heterosexual men and women respectively and
20% and 23% of gay man and lesbians. 

Or While 20% of bisexuals report experiencing a negative
employment decision based on their sexuality, almost
60% of bisexual people report hearing anti-bisexual jokes
and comments on the job.8
Nearly half of bisexual people
report that they are not out to any of their coworkers
(49%), compared to just 24% of lesbian and gay people.

Or Bisexual people experience higher rates of sexual and
intimate partner violence than gay, lesbian, and straight
people. Bisexual women experience significantly higher
rates of violence both overall and by significant others,
compared to lesbian and straight women: 46% of bisexual
women have experienced rape, compared to 13% and
17% of lesbian and straight women, respectively. Sixtyone
percent of bisexual women have experienced rape,
physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner,
compared to 43% and 35% of lesbian and straight women

Or that bisexuals have higher rates of both physical and mental health issues than straight people, gays, and lesbians. 


So whether or not you think we’re queer enough for you doesn’t change the fact that ALL BISEXUAL PEOPLE deserve support within our community.







I’m going to say some of my opinions which people might not like so I’m just going to tuck it under a read more for their convenience.

Keep reading

No, MoP wasn’t sitting in a garrison, instead we sat in a farm getting free resources all day, most of which could only be used for cooking. Where we were treated as an extra farmhand rather than heroes, and had to do dailies to try and get the villagers there to like us like we were playing Animal Crossing. At least the garrison feels more military related and not like we’re growing fucking veggies in a crisis situation (”what’s that? Garrosh blew up the Vale? Better tend to my cucumbers! Or this plant that gives me free ore for some reason!”)

Who sat in the farm all day? You could only harvest/plant once a day. There was one, maybe two NPCs, and the nearest mailbox was in halfhill. Plus you know there was the whole matter of never having to touch the farm at all at 90.


“maybe two NPCs” 

Literally in the farm there’s two NPCs.  It was obvious what I was talking about when I mentioned that the position of the mailbox was in halfhill. (You know where all of those NPCs you just listed are too)

And considering how long it took to do all the dailies, as well as the daily maitenance required for the veggies, it could easily take a while to do your halfhill maintenance just as much as it is to organize your garrison.

Yeah, you didn’t have to touch the farm at all at 90, but you don’t have to touch your garrison at all at 100 either. The only thing that really demands your attention is the very start of the Legenary ring questline, which appears in your garrison at level 98 regardless of what level your garrison is. Nothing actually forces you to do the things related to your garrison unless you want to, with the exception of the installation of your shipyard to head to Tanaan in 6.2, which usually takes about an hour at most. Your garrison basically just serves the role of the farm combined with the tasks you could do at the MoP faction cities, but you’re not forced to really do anything any more than you had to with the farm.

So wait, your’re saying that the Garrison isn’t mandatory, except for the stuff that it’s mandatory for?

The farm made profession levelling, crafting, etc, a lot easier. Same with the garrison. The garrison can also help you gear up a bit faster, help you make profession mats for crafting, give you a convenient place to grab ore and archaeology frags along with herbs if you don’t want to go out and farm for hours, give bonus quests to do in dungeons, give interesting dailies that reward mounts, give a building that helps farm mats for awesome transmog gear, act as a bank/guild bank/transmog station/void storage, and with some work you can even make an auction house, along with letting you craft very basic items/enchants/glyphs/etc regardless of what professions you have.



It didn’t


But none of that is forced. You don’t -have- to use your garrison except a few times while levelling up to 100, and the Tanaan crossing. Other than that you can completely abandon it. I mean, I wouldn’t recommend abandoning your garrison considering I love it, but you could set your hearthstone to warspear/stormshield and basically accomplish all the same stuff there if you really, really hated it.

So I’m not forced to use the garrison except for the times where I’m forced to use the garrison. 

You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

shithowdy: the other week in RP he burned their toast by trying to cook it with felfire and i’m glad blizzard is here to answer the important questions like “can you really cook with felfire”


the other week in RP he burned their toast by trying to cook it with felfire and i’m glad blizzard is here to answer the important questions like “can you really cook with felfire”


I’m going to say some of my opinions which people might not like so I’m just going to tuck it under a read more for their convenience.

Keep reading

No, MoP wasn’t sitting in a garrison, instead we sat in a farm getting free resources all day, most of which could only be used for cooking. Where we were treated as an extra farmhand rather than heroes, and had to do dailies to try and get the villagers there to like us like we were playing Animal Crossing. At least the garrison feels more military related and not like we’re growing fucking veggies in a crisis situation (”what’s that? Garrosh blew up the Vale? Better tend to my cucumbers! Or this plant that gives me free ore for some reason!”)

Who sat in the farm all day? You could only harvest/plant once a day. There was one, maybe two NPCs, and the nearest mailbox was in halfhill. Plus you know there was the whole matter of never having to touch the farm at all at 90.