Month: May 2015


like trust me, 13/14/15 year old follwers i have

you are in a weird time of your life right now,

when you are 19/20/21 you’re going to look at yourself and just go “what the fuck”

and thats ok

I just want to warn you though.

Likewise, when you’re 30, you’re still going to look at yourself and just go “what the fuck”

el-aatmik: el-aatmik: Commissions are open again! There will only be five slots available this time and will be filled on a first come, first served basis.All prices are in USD and subject to change without notice.I will only accept payment upfront through PayPal.Turnaround time



Commissions are open again! There will only be five slots available this time and will be filled on a first come, first served basis.

  • All prices are in USD and subject to change without notice.
  • I will only accept payment upfront through PayPal.
  • Turnaround time can take two to three months. If I end up taking longer, I’ll let you know!
  • Please
    provide the full name/physical description/personality of the character
    you want drawn. Picture references (screenshots, face claims, other
    artwork, whatever you think I’ll need to make sure I get your character
    as accurate as possible) are greatly appreciated.
  • Characters can
    be from any fandom or completely original. No anthro or mecha please.
  • NSFW content allowed (blood, nudity, limited gore, sexual content, kinks to a degree). I will not draw non-con, underage, and certain fetishes.
  • All
    finished commissions will be posted on my blog—please do not repost.
    And please provide your tumblr username so I can link back to you.
  • More examples of my art are in my art tag!
  • Please send all commission requests/inquiries/payment to my email:

three slots are still open!


Re: about smokers


I currently live with my mom who’s been a smoker for 35+ years. She has tried to quit multiple times but she just doesn’t have it in her, and that’s OK. Her current job is extremely stressful and she smokes to help her cope.

But here’s the thing: despite her life-long addiction and NEED to smoke,…

You can all get fucked what the fuck is wrong with you “throwing around words like ‘ableist’ or ‘classist’” thats what yall are doing straight edge freaks acting like smokers walk around elementary schools or some shit throwing our shit arpund

oh shit i didnt know breathing was the trendy new hipster thing to do



queennavidean Re: about smokers

I mean this is great and all and I support this if you have the physical capability of doing so (I myself drive around outside my neighborhood while I smoke) but the reality is that not a lot of people can just hop in their car and drive somewhere.What about those who can’t walk? People who don’t have cars? People who can’t walk far? Yes I agree with this for the most part, but I personally know a lot of smokers who do everything they can to avoid smoking near people but sometimes they just can’t. Because they can’t walk or don’t have a flipping car.Saying that EVERYONE is able of doing this IS ABLEIST.

That’s why I say every smoker should ”DO YOUR BEST” to avoid other people while smoking.

It oughta be obvious if you can’t physically move then people are gonna have to avoid YOU.  If someone comes across a live smokebomb on the ground they don’t tell it to stop, they get away from it.

Me, I’ve grown up with and worked alongside loooooooots of different smokers, I know most are perfectly capable of getting up and smoking somewhere more appropriate.  Many choose not to, and/or maybe don’t truly understand how disruptive their emissions are to those around them.  I’m old enough to remember when smoking was much more common and acceptable, and since its decline I wouldn’t be surprised if anti-smoking education has become less prioritized in recent years.  I see a new generation taking up e-cigs or trying to be “vintage”.  Smoking isn’t limited to a social class or to disabled people, it’s still a HUGE far-reaching industry and the majority of users are able-bodied. 

Smokers need space to smoke, but those airborne chemicals are NOT picky about whose lungs they enter. If you NEED to smoke then you also NEED to do your best to remove yourself from other people while you do it.

If you CANNOT remove yourself sufficiently, AT LEAST warn people you’re about to light up.  Give them a chance to create space or leave the area.  

The “that’s abelist!” response to every single goddamn discussion of “Things people can do” is so fucking ridiculous and in this context it infuriates me. It’s like it’s impossible to ask people to be responsible for their decisions because their is a percentage of people who will have a more difficult time with doing X, Y, or Z.

Yes, some people that smoke don’t have limbs or are wheelchair bound or can’t drive a car or whatever. But like Lobstmourne said, there are ways that you can remove yourself from the space of others if you just need to smoke. There is SOME way. If you’re going to take upon the decision to smoke, then you need to take up the responsibility to not subject other people to your smoke. Plain and simple.

And smoking may be addictive, but I am sorry, I refuse to treat people who decide to smoke with tender sympathy because they might be handicapped or be incapable of driving or walking or whatever. You can figure the fuck out how to distance themselves from people who don’t want to breathe in that poison. I refuse to have my health suffer so you can smoke.

Seriously. Pulling the ableism card takes away from ACTUAL instances of true ableism. Asking smokers to not smoke around people who don’t smoke and don’t want to inhale that shit is not ableist. Stop it.


This is the last thing I’m gonna say about that smoking thing.

People (re: smokers) are getting mad that people are making a stink about where ya’ll smoke. But think about this-

I understand it may be your coping method, and that’s fine. But that is a choice you made. You consciously decided to start smoking to cope with your problems.

The people who are affected by smoking are not making a stink about it because “it’s annoying”, we’re making a stink about it cause cigarettes harm everyone involved, users and bystanders.

Some of us are in even worse shape over cigarettes because we’re allergic/have respiratory problems.

So please, we understand that ya’ll need to smoke. We’re not telling you to quit, we’re not telling you you’re disgusting for having the habit. But refusing to go the extra mile to protect the innocent people around you is reckless and technically – life endangerment.

We all know what second hand smoke does to people. Smoke in your own home, in your car. Go to open areas where there’s little to no people. Go to smoking areas.

Seriously, ya’ll really don’t seem to understand that asthmatics/people with breathing problems are really affected by a 2 minute smoke break.

You don’t know who has breathing problems. I’m tired of seeing people complaining about this. IMO you don’t have room to complain. You weren’t born with the need to smoke. The least you could do is help the people like me born with shitty fucking lungs.


oh just so everyone knows: if you’re like me and you get anxiety whenever you see someone vagueblogging because you think it’s about you even though you never did anything remotely similar to what’s being talked about, it is always okay to pop into my askbox and ask if i’m talking about you, and i’ll say “no” and i won’t be annoyed or anything no matter how often this happens.

tennine: Taranes by KimberlySwan Taranes lives on Wyrmrest accord, and was commissioned by his player n_n


Taranes by KimberlySwan

Taranes lives on Wyrmrest accord, and was commissioned by his player n_n

Re: about smokers


I currently live with my mom who’s been a smoker for 35+ years.  She has tried to quit multiple times but she just doesn’t have it in her, and that’s OK.  Her current job is extremely stressful and she smokes to help her cope.

But here’s the thing: despite her life-long addiction and NEED to smoke, she remains considerate of everyone around her not just those within sight. 

All she wants to do when she gets home is smoke, but if she sees kids playing outside or notices our neighbors’ windows are open, she either:

  • waits for everyone to go inside/close up before she smokes outside, or–
  • gets in the car and drives 2 blocks away to an open parking lot and smokes there

Does this sound extreme? Because this is what common courtesy looks like

Most smokers today don’t realize just how FAR their smoke goes and how sensitive people are to its effects.  Thankfully my mom has enough experience and understanding to avoid contact with others best she can while she smokes, and this is something EVERY SMOKER should strive to do.  

But naw, I see smokers on this site throwing around terms like “ableist” and “classist” instead, and that’s honestly the most ridiculous use of those words I’ve seen in a while.

Y’all think as long as you’re not blowing smoke DIRECTLY in our face that everything is OK and we should deal with it.  

That’s not how it works. 

You either don’t understand or just plain DON’T CARE about the serious repercussions (short term + long term) your addiction has on EVERYONE around you, and in 2015 there is no excuse for that kind of disregard. 

You have the RIGHT to smoke, but you DO NOT have the right to harm others along the way.  Your addiction is not license to hurt others.

So please, be considerate – DO YOUR BEST to avoid sharing the effects of your smoking with those living/working around you because, LIKE IT OR NOT, we’re all breathing the same air.