Month: April 2015


if I use the wrong pronouns or a name you no longer identify with, please please please please tell me. the 0.5 seconds of awkwardness i will experience mean nothing to me. your happiness and comfort do.

Battle memes! Send a number


  1. What weapon does your muse prefer?
  2. A drabble in which my muse fight with/against yours (specify)
  3. My muse gives a speech before a battle.
  4. A drabble in which my muse dies on the battlefield.
  5. Is your muse a skilled warrior?
  6. A drabble about the first time the muse killed someone.
  7. A drabble about a beloved one lost in a fight.
  8. Is the muse merciful or cuel?
  9. Who taught my muse how to fight?
  10. Is my muse honourable?
  11. A drabble in which my muse is forced to fight against a loved one.
  12. A drabble in which my muse is forced to fight together with someone they hate.
  13. The muse is on the battlefield and they have to take a terrible decision.
  14. My muse is captured. How do they react?
  15. My muse walks between the corpses after a tremendous battle. A drabble about their feelings.
  16. A song I associate with my muse while fighting.
  17. Feel free to add more!

mypocketshurt90:heard you were—fuckheard you—aghheard you w—jesus gimme a sec—arghheard you were talking shit


heard you werefuck

heard youagh

heard you wjesus gimme a secargh

heard you were talking shit

Have you considered gay vampires getting married?

Gay marriage has just been legalized in their state. The vampires are at the courthouse to get their marriage license.
Vampire 1 *checking phone, sees “this couple waited 50 years to get married” story*: Honey, how come we don’t have an article on upworthy? We’ve been waiting for like two hundred years for this!
Vampire 2: Because we look like we’re 19 year olds who haven’t thought this through because, in case you forgot, we’re bloody vampires.
Vampire 1: But we’ve been waiting way longer. I want a news story.
Vampire 2: How does “Vampires reveal themselves to get heart warming human interest clickbait article coverage, are immediately staked” sound as a title?
Vampire 1: Point taken.

thatwetshirt:team peggy


team peggy

SU Fandom: Thank God we kept the Bronies out of our fandom. Can you imagine how toxic they would’ve made it?

SU Fandom: *bashes fanartists if they don’t draw characters to their specifications in every single piece of art they produce*

SU Fandom: *tries to prevent skinny cosplayers from cosplaying as Rose Quartz*

SU Fandom: *erases the worst aspects of Jasper’s personality in order to ship her with Peridot and Lapis, despite Malachite proving the latter highly abusive*

SU Fandom: *draws Lapis as buddies with Peridot and Jasper despite how obviously she hates them and wants to be away from them in canon*

SU Fandom: *bashes Say Uncle and tries to find anything and everything problematic with the episode and Uncle Grandpa itself, ignoring the fact that the episode was basically 100% self aware and calling the SU fandom out for their bs*

SU Fandom: *loves every fat character except Greg, who they accuse of being abad father to Steven until they see the younger, thinner, cuter version of him, who they immediately start adoring*

SU Fandom: *makes posts attempting to discourage men as a whole from getting into the show/relating to it, because it’s for ‘women and nb folks only’ while at the same time tried to erase the fact that Ruby and Sapphire were female-presenting nonbinary lesbians*

SU Fandom: *is slowly turning toxic and gross without help from any bronies*

SU Fandom: So glad we tag our porn under something kids can’t find! After all, this is still a kids’ show, and we need to set good examples for kids 🙂



baby dragons that sleep in your fireplace and roll about in the soot and the ash trying to get comfortable on burning logs, screeching loudly whenever people walk by or when more logs need to be added to its roost and not stopping until content again

baby dragons with wings that are disproportionate to their bodies until older but nonetheless stubbornly trying to pick themselves up off the ground by running and aggressively flapping and managing to only get a few feet off the ground for a few seconds before crash landing

baby dragons that haven’t been exposed to priceless things such as gems and gold pieces and instead infatuate themselves with other unusual shiny things — like silverware, brass clocks, instruments, and pots and pans

baby dragons who get cold in the winter and crawl up into their caretaker’s clothing (almost always while said clothing is being worn) and curl up as tight as possible and begin to make sounds similar to content purring as they sleep

I need this in my life….