Aw, what a lovely message for @kylareth (who I don’t seem to be able to link to, again, thanks Tumblr), the-grumpy-druid and theemptyreach. And, Nonny, we agree – lifting others up is the best, most compassionate, kind-hearted act one person can have toward another. It’s the very reason the Pink Dragonflight exists and we are so happy to be able to recognize lovely people who do this! All our love and Sparkles!
i see it as more of an off and on casual thing that jael vows would never EVER happen again except every time he visits on official rajnish business he always ends up in tev’s bed wondering how the hell he keeps getting into this situation. it’s something he would def keep secret.
Neither of them actually plan for it and both of them want to stick to business, but whoops that’s what causes the sexual tension and that’s how we get that picture there.
Original timeline intent was before she found out he was a secret!arakkoa, but really it could work after that as well. I almost like it better that way.
the only thing more annoying than dragging your well-meaning jerk boyfriend to your undead friend’s wedding is trying to setup/resize individual comic panels so they kinda work with tumblr’s format ajskdlk
unlike Thaela I can’t use a wand to polymorph annoying problems lol