Kairoz and Garrosh arrive in Draenor, but Garrosh does not know where he is. “Hellscream!” shouted a rough, orcish voice. Garrosh turned to the sound of the call. But, the call was for another Hellscream. Standing atop a hill, wind blowing through his black hair and sun gleaming on his muscular brown body, a fierce, tattooed orc whose blood ran in Garrosh’s vein replied to the greeting with an ear-splitting cry, and raised….. Gorehowl.
So what the heck is this race of Thundercats supposed to be and why am I strongly suspicious that they don’t just have a complete lack of sexual dimorphism and we’re going to have another Tol’vir situation with no females to be seen?
then again if they’re just reskinned worgen models maybe it’s for the better