I’m opening up 3 slots at a time, the availability can be found here.
Commission Prices:
Clean Sketch:
- Head and Shoulders: $15
- Waist and Up :$25
- Full Body: $35
Flat Color : $10
Shaded Color : $20
Background : $30 (must provide reference)
I can charge anywhere from $0-$10 extra for “complex” outfits
For extra characters, multiply the price by the number of characters, minus the background. (however if the other characters are animals/companions, I’m open to negotiation. SIMILARLY, for props, such as weapons, will be decided on a case-by-case basis).
Half of the money is paid to me when I confirm the details of the project, and the other half is given when I provide a sketch.
You can put reference pictures of the character in my /submit box, or send them to me over skype ( zoe.groark ) or email! Just let me know you are doing.