Month: June 2013

Looking for people!


OKAY LOVELIES, I have an inquiry for anyone on WRA Horde-side.

As of this week, my raid group is looking to fill 2 roles! We are not hardcore progression by any extent, we’re mostly in this to see the bosses on non-LFR and have fun! 

So here’s the deal:

We are currently 6/12 normal 10 man ToT, and raid on Saturday and Sunday, @ 7 to 10 p.m. server time. 

The two spots we’re looking to fill are a DPS and a Healer of 500+ ilevel preferred. [The ilevel thing is mostly because we’ve spent time in the past *gearing* people who flake out on us/drop raid/etc, sorry.]

For DPS, we’d like either a windwalker monk, shaman [enhancement or elemental], or a rogue but we’re trying to be flexible! 

For a healer, we’d love love love a resto shaman or mistweaver monk, as our remaining healers are disc priest and resto druid and we’d rather not stack. 

So there it is, there’s my lame pitch.

Be warned we are a pretty not-serious group with a lot of puns and bad jokes and I do awful DPS and die a lot while never saying a word in Mumble so you’d get to see me die a lot and laugh and laugh at me. 

IF INTERESTED please whisper ‘Selynth’ in game or send me an ask or something.


babsblogs: The only thing rivaling my happiness over the defeat of DOMA is Aaron Diaz’ reaction to it.


The only thing rivaling my happiness over the defeat of DOMA is Aaron Diaz’ reaction to it.

varian-butts: poof~



silverruby: Because I’m awful and only color sketches… A colored sketch with some trimming. lol (Link to bigger version.)Redesign of Ashriel, Wing General of the Council of Four [Archangels] in “Heaven” from my world with the vampires and demons and stuff. Unlike


Because I’m awful and only color sketches… A colored sketch with some trimming. lol (Link to bigger version.)

Redesign of Ashriel, Wing General of the Council of Four [Archangels] in “Heaven” from my world with the vampires and demons and stuff. Unlike winged-folk, angel wings aren’t attached to their bodies, but hover an inch or two over the shoulder blades/back/hips. Lesser angels have 1 pair, and more powerful ones have more. (An older example of Arel… wow, from ‘08! LOL I could’ve sworn I’ve drawn more of him in much recent years, but I guess not..)

I never really fleshed out “heaven” or.. the Astral or whatever heavenly angel-y plane. Only that they’re militaristic, superior-race-ist, intensely superficial, and kick out angels for being disfigured under the false pretense of assigning them to do the honorable job of keeping peace on the Earth plane. It’s effectively forced exile under the guise of duty.

Not really sure what style of armor I’m going for, kind of winged it (HAHHH!), but I’m going to keep the crown and halo thing…