I’m just going to keep talking about my OCs OK
This is Aurelius Bloodspeaker; he’s Adra’s twin brother. Where Adra is 5’4 and rail-skinny, Aure is a towering jock of an elf, standing at about 6’2 and weighing probably 260 lbs. At the start of their story, Aurelius is a high elf warrior. Post-Sunwell, he turns to the Blood Knight order, mostly because it’s the job option that will let him swing a big sword and gut things the most effectively. He’s a borderline sociopath consumed by his obsessions and addictions, and he only gets worse as time goes on. He eventually slits his own throat to become a death knight, because he’s That Guy (which is to say, so far gone and so deeply narcissistic and possessive that he cannot tolerate Adrasteius getting a girlfriend, or any friends at all).
(again; art from avali)
thornmallow: I’m just going to keep talking about my OCs OK This is Aurelius Bloodspeaker; he’s Adra’s twin brother. Where Adra is 5’4 and rail-skinny, Aure is a towering jock of an elf, standing at about 6’2 and weighing probably 260 lbs. At the start of their
Sitting here debating dinner choices. (because eating at 8 at night is a good idea, right?)
pineapples and regret
kaelthas-dickrider: going home for the holidays by *sandara
thelaughinghound: Forum goers, probably not what you were expecting [or hoping for~]. Raid chat. That is all.
Forum goers, probably not what you were expecting [or hoping for~].
Raid chat. That is all.
Just as a friendly reminder to people…
We’re going to get into lore debates. People are going to have opinions. People are going to be right, and they are going to be wrong.
It’s okay to not like a thing. It’s okay to like a thing. But please, do us all a favor.
Be civil about it.
I love all of you a lot. I am a mutual follower for a lot of people who have been heavily intertwined in this debate. I’m not going to unfollow anyone for their opinions or beliefs (unless outright retarded or we get into a fight..) but there is no reason to stop being civil with someone over lore in a video game.
Just smile and remember when 5.3 comes around..
We can just blame Metzen and be done with it.
Does this mean I can’t tell people they’re adopted
Remember the last time that you told someone that?!
A ripple in space-time formed and they became adopted?
destr: *Shamelessly draws people’s characters without permission* Faggitvekubby’s Vekusen.
if i had a problem with garrosh support i wouldnt be following kiango
I hate the phrase “It is what it is”. What else is it going to be? I think we should replace it with something more fun, like “It is actually a medusa”.
I’m going to to use that on one of my co-workers when he says “It is what it is” and I’ll report back.