Month: February 2013

things that i say at work vol. 1 

things that i say at work vol. 1 

thewowbitch: He is such a bad guy he speaks the language of one of the races of the opposing faction, cannot spell many words correctly and his armour is covered in flowers. I’m shaking in my furry socks over here bro. Currently: Doing Death Knight things. Well that clears a


He is such a bad guy he speaks the language of one of the races of the opposing faction, cannot spell many words correctly and his armour is covered in flowers.

I’m shaking in my furry socks over here bro.

Currently: Doing Death Knight things.


that clears a lot up

high-commander-lilliam: i have cancer i have fucking cancer Ohhhh mountain dew. So that is what I’ve been doing wrong.


i have cancer

i have fucking cancer

Ohhhh mountain dew.

So that is what I’ve been doing wrong.

bitethehattori: Gilneas is a beautiful city, I’m still unsure if it’s currently Ally or Horde so i took this screen outside of the wrecked gate. It’s also nice to walk around here when in deep serious thinking, I’unno why but the rain helps. But this zone had so much


Gilneas is a beautiful city, I’m still unsure if it’s currently Ally or Horde so i took this screen outside of the wrecked gate.

It’s also nice to walk around here when in deep serious thinking, I’unno why but the rain helps.

But this zone had so much potential to be so much more. they need to set an inn here somewhere.