Finally, a shirt for the discerning dude-who-is-also-a-bird
chorp chorp
makimonstrous: becdecorbin: poupon: Finally, a shirt for the discerning dude-who-is-also-a-bird heh chorp chorp
“will the real varian wrynn please stand up??”
onyxia pushes both varians to the front
everyone is confused, especially the varians
And then Dreadwaste Defilers fell apart I guess.
what even happened
Not sure yet. Ankor is MIA and a bunch of them left because of mystery drama. Lunalovebad is in the Horde Bandit Lounge right now, idk what Ravenhul and Imfernal are doing, Ruvin went to Forsaken Order.
shit not the sovereign sovereignty of the sovereign forsaken sovereign order
best screenshot ive ever taken of my priest
evan-ohl: Another commission in the same style as the last Warcraft one.
Kel’Thuzad has a huge Alliance population, but the entire horde either faction changed or left to Alterac Mountains after Mists came out because no one could level.
That would be kind of amusing since all my horde toons are on Mal’ganis who is CRZ’ed with KT
fagnaros: I bought Ranthe a character recustomization. I feel as though her character just works better as whatever the Hell this is.
I bought Ranthe a character recustomization. I feel as though her character just works better as whatever the Hell this is.