Month: February 2013






Can the Worgen of the Alliance still spread the Worgen curse?

ah.. no? dammit now I am wondering too but …

I actually asked a GM and they said that they can, it’s just harder because they went through the ritual at the end of the story line. But still possible.














im going to ask blizzard about this

i made a ticket


we got an answer



On one hand: LMFAO.

On the other, GMs are usually players interpreting lore (and sometimes game mechanics) just like the rest of us.

Yeeaah kinda my problem with it.  Don’t the lore Q&A things involve “here is a bunch of people assigned to actively going over information and double-checking and asking people before they answer”?  This is just some customer service person, so unless they ran up to someone who could decide these things then came back to the ticket…I don’t know.  Would they really go up to Metzen like “hey can Arthas get zombieboners?”.  Seems like it’d be kind of difficult.  Who decides on lore points like this besides Metzen?  What if someone official-enough did but Metzen would personally go lolno if asked?

I mean, once I submitted a ticket asking why the Blood Knight quests weren’t updated and the GM more or less admitted they weren’t sure, because game lore isn’t something that’s really involved in their job.  And I suppose a ticket response seems more positive when its “here is an answer” and not “lolIdunno”.  I remember being told that something you’re taught to say regarding customer service and long-ass queues is “Thanks for waiting” instead of “Sorry you had to wait” because it puts a positive spin on things.  I think that miiight be what happened here.

I don’t know, something bugs me about the explanation, seemed a bit lazy.  Zombieboners are all fine and dandy until you notice that “most bodily processes restored” miiight conflict with “no heart” because Arthas doesn’t like his internal organs apparently.  And then there’s the Death knight initiates that are killed on the spot in Acherus because “not dead long enough too emotional lol” and I just asdfghjk Idon’tknow.  If they had gone a bit more indepth about how dependant restored processes are on the associated organs or if its just “the necromantic energies will do it regardless of your missing heart/the person can consciously start it up” I’d probably have no issue with this.

Maybe I would’ve just preferred “use their necromantic energies to flap their dinky about/can direct whatever fluids to there if they’re bored with magic oooo~”.  Then again Koltira said he had internal bleeding in the starting quests I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ANYMORE I just feel like this information is a bit shaky, sorry if I’m raining on a Dk-boner parade here.

Kinda what I was thinking.  I don’t feel like lore is canon if it’s given by GMs, unless it is already canon (like, someone wants to know something they can easily look up on something like WoWpedia but they’re too lazy so they ask a GM).

So yeah, this bothers me too.  I mean, it’s stated in-game by Sylvanas that Forsaken can’t procreate, which meant once they were gone, they were gone.  That’s why she had her mini-crisis about losing the entire race and decided to raise the Alliance troops that came to help Gilneas and were killed in battle.

If they (Forsaken and death knights) were reanimated with the same magic, I doubt “bodily processes have been restored”, because if that were true, then Forsaken could have babies.

Why does this even matter though?  Do we really want to give bad roleplayers permission to be bad?  I’m confused.

this ticket started out as a joke and look what happened

god damn it lance

lance im so sorry

Relating to the bolded part: I’m sorry, this is probably going to come across as harsh, and I don’t mean to sound harsh. Personally, I get squicked by undead sex being a happy-go-lucky yay it’s awesome thing without taking into account things like, you know, the fact that you’re boning a dead body. But that’s my own personal squick. 

Other people don’t have that squick. I can’t say that I understand WHY they don’t have that squick, but you know what? It doesn’t matter. I’m not them. As long as they’re not running around publicly waving around their wangs and saying, “LOOK THIS GM SAYS IT WORKS,” I don’t see why anyone else should care what they’re doing. They aren’t forcing people to RP undead sexytimes with them. Nobody’s forcing anyone to be like “yes this is good and I agree with it.”

Nobody needs PERMISSION to RP what they want. People who want to do undead sexytimes will do undead sexytimes regardless of what devs or GMs or random people on Tumblr say. And as long as they’re keeping it private, good for them. Hump on, you crazy necrophiles. Hump on.

Also I can’t believe this is still going around (she says as she reblogs).

can we not lore argue on my post please

look at all this text you generated


lanuria: hclark70: ravenclaws-do-it-with-books: summonertavros: the-goggles: hclark70: tuuty-fruuty: hclark70: ravenclaws-do-it-with-books: Daily reminder that sexism won’t help you impress women. o.O … i have no words well, it’s RP, so let’s not take it too










Daily reminder that sexism won’t help you impress women.

o.O … i have no words

well, it’s RP, so let’s not take it too personally.

and by that i mean, don’t take it personally at all.

yeah what I am wondering is that it’s rare for me to see stuff like this. it’s just is the guy is like this in real life? or too deep in character

I was gonna say if that’s just how his character is then it’s w/e but jesus if he’s like that IRL then sheesh prepared to get kicked in the nads

the way they’re typing makes it seem like it’s in character but

i just don’t know

When the person from WrA was emoting at my character, he was exclusively using second-person, even for custom emotes (“name looks at you”). That’s always been weird to me and a hallmark, in my experience, of someone who just wants cyber.

I don’t think anyone was taking it personally, at least I didn’t see that. I was making fun of him in gchat, and he was continually whispering me throughout asking things like “why are you being so difficult” etc, which is weird to me? I didn’t get in in the screenshot because I use separate windows.

Zora is level 15 and is, for all intents and purposes, a peasant that decided she’d lend her help to fight off the kobolds in Westfall. She told the truth there, she has no fancy titles because, for all intents and purposes, she is a nobody. (this last part is to a different commenter).

You guys done?

it was up and ripe for the taking

welcome to tumblr >:D

((goes to bed finally))

Hold on. Stop.

You say the character was emoting at you by using second-person emotes, but in the screenshots, I see him using three emotes. One is a stock one, another says he raises an eyebrow and the other mentions the character’s name. 

In these screenshots, we see the characters introducing themselves and the rest of their conversation until Zora leaves. During this time, there were NO other emotes to show this guy ‘just wanted to cyber’ as you say.

I bring this up because you use the way he was emoting as an excuse for his roleplay? Because you think he was looking for ERP, therefor, he isn’t really roleplaying? Just trollin’ for dat e-vag?

Now, let’s look at what the character was actually saying, shall we?

Sure, it could come off as sexist. A man? Thinking a woman shouldn’t be fighting?! But his intentions, while misguided, are somewhat reasonable. It’s obvious the character feels that if women were to die in battle, it would hurt the population more than if a man were to die. Hell, to me, he’s placing women HIGHER than a man. Men, to him, are disposable. Women have more value than dying on a battlefield.

Sure, it comes off as sexist in a way, but listen.

The character is not the player. 

You mention he whispered you about how you were making it difficult, but said whispers were not saved, but I recall a previous post from you with a screenshot of a whisper you received that was rather popular, showing you have WIM. If I recall correctly, WIM saves whispers, doesn’t it? I would think the whispers of him would be more upsetting than the roleplay, but, ah, that’s just me.

If you wanted to call this guy out for a sexist attitude, use what HE said, not the character. 

Now, some have mentioned that perhaps the male was talking out of character. Perhaps he was. Perhaps the OP was talking out of character as well.

I don’t know many Westfall peasants who say “I am more than my uterus” considering I don’t think Azeroth has a lot of medical terms like that, what with the magic healing and what not. Still, I could be wrong.

Point is, a guy is trying to RP with you. He says something YOU and your character don’t agree with. That’s fine. I have racist characters who have blurted out some rude things in their time and I have played characters that have had that racism thrown in their face. Even sexism! You RP’d back with him, which is great! But then to post what his character said in an attempt to shame the PLAYER is WRONG.

Because the character is NOT the player. 

/steps of soapbox

/drops mic

kiango: ggggggg baby sarah i did a thing


ggggggg baby

sarah i did a thing

guyfawx: Don’t be a fucking Douchey Doug


Don’t be a fucking Douchey Doug