Month: December 2012

tamealltherares: saelem: . Nice Ulduar glitch,nice. Oh god, they were doing that the last time I was there. I’m surprised I had any retinas left after we were done with Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare. Yeah its been doing that lately. I’m guessing a texture asset is missing.




Nice Ulduar glitch,nice.

Oh god, they were doing that the last time I was there.

I’m surprised I had any retinas left after we were done with Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare.

Yeah its been doing that lately.

I’m guessing a texture asset is missing.

morbid-musing: Amusing WoW story I was reminiscing about tonight and thought I’d share. From my newbie days. So, you know the vultures in Deadwind Pass called Sky Shadows? Back in Vanilla I was running around exploring as much of the world as I could in between leveling since


Amusing WoW story I was reminiscing about tonight and thought I’d share. From my newbie days.

So, you know the vultures in Deadwind Pass called Sky Shadows? Back in Vanilla I was running around exploring as much of the world as I could in between leveling since it was all new and exciting to me.

I found my way into Deadwind Pass after heading through STV. I was in awe of this eerie, atmospheric zone that didn’t seem to have much purpose. It seemed to be empty of mobs, and I thought I was safe at my relatively low level at the time. That’s when I glimpsed one of those vultures at the end of a path.

To me, ‘Sky Shadow’ didn’t seem like a common mob classification, it sounded like a name. I thought it was something like a named rare or elite, maybe a boss of some sort, a unique creature. It didn’t occur to me that there was more than one. Naturally it was a skull to me at the time, so I was a little freaked out (added to by the overall quiet creepiness of the zone) and decided to turn around.

Being the graceful newb that I was, I managed to fall off one of the overpass things and fell to the water at the bottom of the zone. I had to swim all the way down the creek until I found a way back on land, and when I dragged myself out of the water, there it was.

Sky Shadow.

Waiting for me.

Understand that I just ended up in a completely different part of the zone from where I saw the first Sky Shadow (and again, I was presuming it was a single mob). Seeing it in front of me gave me the sudden terrifying realization that it must follow a player around the zone and stalk them.

I was so scared that I hearthstoned right out of there and was too freaked out to step foot in Deadwind Pass for a long time after that. All I imagined was a desolate, silent zone where Sky Shadow, the blue vulture, would sense you entering the area and begin to follow you until it killed you.

I was a little disappointed to find out I was mistaken, but I always laugh when I pass through the area these days and see one of those birds.

tumblino: whoo!!! orc!choutie design for the realms of conflict larp, which I’ll hopefully be participating in soon you guys im gonna be choutie frikc yes


whoo!!! orc!choutie design for the realms of conflict larp, which I’ll hopefully be participating in soon

you guys im gonna be choutie

frikc yes

fuckyeahlichking: dandelionofthanatos: trollfase of the damned dot jpeg. goddammit menethil all of his evil grins are an unholy variant on the trollfase look at any art of him with the helm off and he’s all [reverb]U MAD BRO[/reverb] reblogging for dem tags



trollfase of the damned dot jpeg.

goddammit menethil all of his evil grins are an unholy variant on the trollfase look at any art of him with the helm off and he’s all [reverb]U MAD BRO[/reverb]

reblogging for dem tags


worgen deathknights are so cool
i made one but i dont think ill ever play her im so baD at deathknights

like theres so many fuckin buttons and like i TRy to look up what i should be using but everythings written 4 when ur level 90 like what do i use NOW

u feel me 

DK 101: Icy touch, plague strike, blood boil. Blood boil’s scaling is ridiculous so you’ll be killing things in 3 hits until level 80.