Tag: warlords of draenor

Draka is so sassy.

“A real man would treat his mate with respect. And he probably would have caught that axe.”

“You wanted her to stay? This is war, more than ever, this is when family belongs at your side!”

“You fight with much experience Thrall, why do you not have a mate?”

wow-images: “Going to start cranking on player character Artcraft(s), next is human male.” While I’d really like to see blood elves, there may be some hope for my human death knight yet!


“Going to start cranking on player character Artcraft(s), next is human male.

While I’d really like to see blood elves, there may be some hope for my human death knight yet!

S16 Death Knight Bonuses

Oh man, I think I might like that almost as much as I like the current season’s expansion’s bonuses