Tag: varae-ver-you-are

4, 14, 16, 10

4. Raids:
Icecrown Citadel (for obvious reasons)
Naxxramas (see above)
Blackwing Lair 

10. Zones of Azeroth
The Jade Forest

14. NPCs
Leeroy Jenkins

16. Alliance racial leaders
Genn Greymane
Moira Thaurissan

varae-ver-you-are reblogged your post and added:

Why would Van spend time thinking of Tev’s dick?

He wouldn’t 😛

He’s just the only person besides Feiyn that would see Tev without armor.

latinwords: More cockathon commissions! Feiyn and Varaelian (players: prince-of-gays and varae-ver-you-are respectively) commissioned by barkentin. I just had armory links but I’ve seen that picture of him with feathers in his hair so I hope they’re like— still there ??


More cockathon commissions! Feiyn and Varaelian (players: prince-of-gays and varae-ver-you-are respectively) commissioned by barkentin.

I just had armory links but I’ve seen that picture of him with feathers in his hair so I hope they’re like— still there ?? qq


One day I hope to see this big giant cock in Acherus.

kertia: I found two cuties~ oooohhhhhh myyyyyyyyy


I found two cuties~

oooohhhhhh myyyyyyyyy