Tag: transfur

Tevruden was spared his tail ripping holes in his pants this time, but it looks like its going to be just a temporary reprieve!

@fox2210/@shadesmcgee did such an excellent job with all the small details on this!

love that forepaw.

If you’re wondering why I’ve been quiet lately, Tevruden has been, well….

A bit tied up with things.

Tevruden’s change into his dragon form is never consistent, especially with the wings.

Sometimes it’s current arms into wings, sometimes it’s growing new wings.

Not entirely sure where Tev went for his vacation yesterday, but I doubt he’s gonna recommend it now that he needs a flea collar

One of the most important thing Tevruden has learned, now that he transforms into a dragon…

…is how he needs to be VERY careful about sneezing.

Tev’s a part-time quadruped but, he hasn’t quite mastered standing on hooves.

On the plus side: his concerns about riding horseback are solved!