This is basically DH!Tev right here.
This is basically DH!Tev right here.
I’m confused. Is there two Tevrudens? (or three even?) or is DH Tev an AU Tev? Please explain, I’d like to know
OH HERE WE GO (I am going to limit this to WoW AUs because otherwise this post would be a million miles long)
Ok so, there’s this asshole, he’s the original:

That’s Tevruden.
Then there’s an AU where Tev didn’t die at all, and becomes a blood knight:

(Its the old model because otherwise you’d have to see him in his shitty leveling transmog, and I just can’t have that.)
THEN, there’s another AU where instead of dying and becoming a DK a lot of (probably bad) choices were made and he somehow ends up handing out with Illidan:

He looks completely different while in Metamorphosis but you get the idea.
There’s another AU where Tev’s Actually A Dragon, who sometimes looks like a an elf. That’s this nerd:

(He doesn’t have a screenshot because the blue hair is only available to belf DKs soooo)
Thank you for your time, and I hope this has cleared things up.
Hello naughty children, it is time to raise the dead.
That is Tev’s opinion on Koltira and Thassarian? Does he like them?
This is me 100% making shit up:
Koltira is technically Tev’s commanding officer. (Or at least he was until he went missing and Tev apparently gets promoted above him next expac.) He’s also kind of like Tev’s disapproving mother-in-law. The dude pretty much complains loudly about everything Tev does, though his actions don’t really back up his disapproval at all.
Absolutely none of this prevents Tev from talking about “Deathweaver’s human boyfriend.” until Kolitra’s ears wilt and he orders Tevruden to shut up. So I’d say their interactions are mutually antagonistic. Which is actually probably a pretty positive relationship when you’re a DK.
Thassarian he is a bit more neutral on; yeah he went to the Alliance, (alliance vs horde is a whole other post) and there was that whole incident w/ Kolitra in Andorhal, but Tev feels that death knights are Ebon Blade first and members of their respective factions second.
My girlfriend (who is asleep) just rolled over, wrapped her arms around me and very lovingly whispered “I want to murder you”
having a violence kink is the best thing because it’s like. someone wants to punch me in the face?? beat the shit out of me???? haha joke’s on them now their hand hurts and i have a boner
I feel this is what usually happens when the two of them go fishing
I feel this is what usually happens when the two of them go fishing