Tevruden looks into the the camera like he’s on The Office
Tevruden looks into the the camera like he’s on The Office
kinovity: this woman is my fucking queen
Send a ✗ and my muse will react to being called a monster.
“Of course I am. That is the purpose of the entire Ebon Blade. Not that I particularly find any sort of issue with this. Would anything but a monster be able to slice through a dozen demons at once?”
Tev really isn’t seeing a problem with the assault on the broken shore
Tev really isn’t seeing a problem with the assault on the broken shore

Hey, how do you pronounce Tev’s name? Is it like tev-RUDE-n or what? I feel like I’ve been saying it wrong in my head all this time.
why are you obsessed with lifting weights. there’s literally no point to it.
I’ll let you in on a little secret: when you get better at lifting weights you also get better at lifting everything else. The muscles can’t tell the difference! They’re fucking idiots!!!
So Tev got a mail today.
So Tev got a mail today.

Tev’s about to explain you a thing. Guess who’s going overboard for RP reply images
Tev’s about to explain you a thing.
Guess who’s going overboard for RP reply images