Tag: taur

Update: he’s been snooted

(And I managed to remove the layer that has his right horn somehow)


Deeeer Tev!

@wethatkindoforc​ reminded that my boy looks pretty good as a cervitaur, and i should run off with that other version:


Deeeer Tev!

@wethatkindoforc​ reminded that my boy looks pretty good as a cervitaur, and i should run off with that other version:


WIP on a new boy (or really a new form for my regular boy)

the fact that I am missing out on a PERFECTLY good “Kirin-taur” pun by using this with voidyboy and not Tevrugos is not lost on me

Tevrugos has been been like three different kinds of taur someone else gets a turn now

Was really glad I could help the kids at the Alberta Children’s Hospital as a part of @weremagnus​ Extra Life campaign!

Here’s a cool tevrugos!