Tag: stormandozone

Tevruden the Guide– God of the Passage to Death. He stands vigil on the Path of the Forgotten, clad in black armor and wielding a blade made from the fragments of every weapon that ever killed while head by a dead man. He is the Cerberus of the Shadowlands; he keeps love-lorn heroes from traipsing into his Lord’s realm and stealing back their hearts. Worship to him is always in memories and favors– things given up. He guards the sacrifices until their owners pass beneath his blade.

Oooh, interesting

SPEAKING OF FEIYN does he like her new house? c: What does he like best about it? Did he contribute any furniture? Does he help with upkeep?

On one hand it’s further from the Alliance and all of the mogu in Krasarang, (which is good for Feiyn) and on the other hand, it’s further from the Alliance and all of the mogu in Krasarang (which is bad for hunting).

He didn’t really contribute any furniture, (he didn’t really have any furniture or anything that would be needed to be kept in a house before he moved in with Feiyn) but a whole bunch all of the books on the bookshelf by the bed are his. Feiyn probably forces him to clean up when he tracks blood all over the place.

What if by some miracle Feiyn and Tev were to conceive?

They’d probably stick whoever made that (double) miracle happen with the kid; though whoever did that would probably even worse of a parent than they would be. Who in their right mind would give a death knight the ability to father children.

That’s bad and they should feel bad.

But really, these two would probably be the worst parents ever. Tev would at least have the ability to recognize that.